Chapter 28: The Waltz Is Dangerous.

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Sarah’s POV:

Upon getting on the ship, I jumped at the full blast of the ship’s horn that sounded a lot like an all too exaggerated elephant.

“Why are we going to New York again?” I asked in a yell towards Marcus’ ear as he leaned towards me.

At the moment, he was waving at the crowd, probably feeling too much like a famous person (one who didn’t even pay for tickets) as the crowd below cheered loudly for their leaving relatives.

Marcus blinked, looking a little confused for a second, as if he didn’t know what was going on before he turned his head to me, staring into my eyes.

I knit my brows at him, wondering why he was suddenly acting so weird.

Before I could ask what he was staring at, he heaved a heavy sigh.

“C’mon.” he called, taking my arm and pulling me out of the crowds as he lead the way into the ship.

Getting inside, I totally forgot what I was going to ask since coming inside the Campania was like entering a dream. Above the wide, carpeted staircase leading p to where we were standing sat a giant glass dome, giving us a glimpse of the clear skies we were going to sail under. 

When I get rich I’m buying a boat.” I thought to myself as I smiled goofily.

Marcus sighed from beside me, waking me from my trance and making me glance at him.

 He stared at me with an amused smirk as he motioned for me to follow.

“Meeting my friend in New York is not the only reason we’re sailing.” Marcus said as we walked through the corridors, passing by a flock of young men in suits heading towards the dining hall, their raucous laughter echoing in the halls.

“Not the only reason?” I asked. Immediately, suspicion arose in me.

Is he going to tell me we’re here for something crazy like say, a treasure map? Or we’re going to be battling some demons?...either that or we’ll be hijacking this ship.

Marcus glanced at me from the corner of his eye and looked ahead again, seemingly scanning the crowds that went past us, some of them giving us strange looks as if long haired, red eyed men or blonde blue eyed kids were a rare sight.

“Haven’t you been wondering why I chose the Campania to ride in?” Marcus asked, raising his brow at me.

I knit my brow at him in return.

“Because there are no other rides and this boat is really nice?” I asked, marveling at the wide ballroom sitting below the hallway we just passed, its polished floors filled with men and women walking around, chattering with each other as some of them stood around at the buffet tables littered with all sorts of food.

Marcus rolled his eyes at me and stopped behind a wooden pillar, his pale face darkening from the shadow of the pillar.

He looked down at the group of people below us, his red eyes gleaming a bit.

“As you know, I’m not the only demon that exists in this world.” he muttered quietly as I looked down at the crowd as well, staring at all of the humans as they laughed and jollied with everyone else.

I nodded at Marcus, Sebastian’s eyes suddenly gleaming in my head once again, making me slightly shake my head, my blonde hair coming into my eyes a bit.

“Well, demons are not the only…creatures hanging around.” Marcus finished, glancing up at me from his glasses.

I blinked at him, instantly recalling the stories my father used to tell just to scare us.

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