Chapter 20: A Fun Run Through Phantomhive Mansion!

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"Foolish." I thought bitterly to myself as I sat on the cold countertop in the kitchen, Sebastian standing next to me with a first aid kit propped on a high chair next to him.

After getting myself injured, Finny heard my screams of pain and rushed to the sound. Seeing my bloody and completely stupid state, the poor boy almost screamed himself before he dragged me into the mansion like a half dead cat.

And now, I disturbed Ciel's dinner and shocked everyone else. Well, who wouldn't be surprised when my head was practically a waterfall of red blood.

With Ciel calling him off and looking slightly annoyed, Sebastian carried me to the kitchen along with a first aid kit that would hopefully take me back to my senses.

Sebastian sighed from next to me as he patted the back of my injured hand with a wet towel, cleaning up the blood and making me flinch all the while feel the saliva pooling my mouth.

For some reason, I don't even want to come near food anymore. I can still eat, but it doesn't taste as good as back then.

I wouldn't say it's because Sebastian's cooking is rubbish. I highly doubt it. I might find him annoying sometimes but he really is a good cook.

And now, staring at my own bloody injury, I could feel the hunger bubbling in my stomach as the clean white towel turned red from my own crimson color.

I didn't know I was staring until I felt a sudden crazy sting on my knuckles, making me scream and jump as the smell of alcohol sprang into my nose and made me aware of the fact that Sebastian just sprayed a bottle of it on my wound.

"OW!" I yelped before I glared at the butler who simply narrowed his eyes at me in return.

"It's your own fault. What have you been doing out there, for god's sake?" Sebastian sighed as he took the towel away and started wrapping a clear and antiseptic bandage around my hand.

"Cursing you." I thought with a growl instead of saying it to his face. If I did, he'd just squirt the alcohol at my wound again.

He looked up at me, waiting for the answer.

I rolled my eyes as a simple reply. "Running away from you, of course." I spat, whipping my head away from the butler.

He stared at me for a bit then for a split second, I saw a smirk play on his lips.

"I apologize for my behavior." He simply said, making me freeze up and blink in confusion.

Glancing down at him, my head just went fuzzy and blank.

Seriously, I do not get this guy at all.

"Damn, you're weird." I muttered.

Sebastian had the usual close eyed smile again and before I knew it, he whipped his hand out and pulled my head down, making me look down at the floor while he patted the top my head with an alcohol soaked towel.

I was about to shout at him for suddenly doing that when the alcohol's fiery sting made me realize I had another wound on my head.

"GAAAHH!!" I screamed as I thrashed under Sebastian.

After a while of his torturing-ahem, healing me, he finally placed a small clean, square bandage on my head. And seeing myself, I realized I just had to stay away from that bridge. Then again, this entire mansion is a trick house.

Sebastian stood, taking the kit with him as he headed out the kitchen.

I gritted my teeth. "Sebastian!" I called, making him stop and turn to me, waiting.

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