Chapter 29: This Really Wasn't In The Brochure...

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My head throbbed for a start. At the feeling of my head thumping painfully, I winced, my jaw slightly falling as my hands felt the smooth and soft sheets under me.

I knit my brows.

Sheets? Wasn’t I in the ball room with Marcus? Adding to that, I wrinkled my nose at the strange and sharp smell. Wine?

Quickly, without opening my eyes, I pulled myself to sit up but was superbly shocked when a heavily bonked my head on a low, steel ceiling that made me wonder where the hell I am.

“OW!” I yelped, rubbing my forehead as this time the pain came harder and a lot hotter on me as a metal groan from the ceiling echoed at me. With my hand on my head, I froze up at the slippery and cold feeling on my hands.

Pulling my palm away from my head, I realized my hair was damp. And it smelled like I just plopped it into a tub of wine.

Groaning, I carefully lay back down and opened my eyes to see I was back in our cabin with the lights turned off so that the only light I could see came from the moon outside the small round window on the wall.

“What the hell?” I muttered, looking around for Marcus to ask what just happened and how I magically fell into bed and maybe got a concussion…

I called Marcus’ name in the small quarters and groaned in annoyance when he didn’t answer.

Knowing that he wasn’t around, I blinked, staring at the annoying ceiling and trying to remember what just happened.

Right then, the scene of my and Marcus’ lips clashing came rushing into my head, making me freeze up and immediately feel my face go red.

Damn, that was embarrassing.” I thought bitterly.

But how the hell could I wake up in bed?

With a twitch of my brow, I realized it was possible that I could’ve slipped at some point and drove myself straight into the abyss of unconsciousness.

If that really happened in front of all those people I’d kill myself.

Right on cue, the sound of the cabin door opening and a light streaming into the room made me roll over and glance up to see Marcus come into the room, his hair disheveled as a new wave of the scent of wine came crashing at my nostrils.

He heaved a sigh, taking his coat off as he walked to the side table, exposing his white dress shirt soaked with a red liquid.

Knitting my brows, I opened my mouth to talk as I sat up too quickly and hit my head once again. A lot harder this time and made myself fall back on the bed, shutting my eyes for a moment, both in pain and annoyance at myself.

“Why do you keep doing this to yourself?” Marcus’ voice asked in slight exasperation and amusement as he leaned on the mahogany table, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

“Masochism can strike anyone.” I muttered bitterly as I simply rolled over to look at the demon boy, deciding that hitting my head again was not the best idea unless I wanted a concussion.

“Mind telling me how I made my head hurt?” I asked, the scent of wine swirling strongly around the room.

With a sigh, he told me what happened.

After everything he said, I honestly wanted to jump out the porthole and drown myself in the cold ocean.

Apparently Marcus and us accidentally kissing never happened.

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