Chapter 19: The S In Sebastian Is For Sadist.

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The morning after the day with Lizzy and the others was quite uneventful. Other than the fact that I almost got into a serious fight with Sebastian that is.

It was already 7 in the evening and the sun was setting. At the moment I was sitting underneath the stone bridge in the Phantomhive manor's garden. Sulking and feeling ready to murder someone while I held a red rose in my hand, staring at it and wondering what I should do with it.

Smell it? Nah. Plainly keep staring? Nope, nope......Destroy it, crush it into mulch and throw it over that unnecessarily tall butler's head?....sounds like a brilliant idea.

Sighing and growling, the morning scene flashed in my head.

I rushed down the stairs, realizing I woke up too late and it was probably already 8 am. Way past the time Sebastian told me to start with the house chores.

My face paled at the thought of seeing him.

"I'm gonna get kicked out." I thought bitterly to myself as I straightened out my clothes.

Today I wore the usual black shoes, black half pants and a plain, white, button down shirt along with a dark brown cap to hold in my long hair and keep it out of the way.

Today I was on stable duty and I had to give Ciel's horse a bath and clean up his stall. It never fails to amaze me. Someone that small already has a horse way taller and prettier than me.

I was already halfway to the backdoor leading to the stables when, my spine tingled, making me shudder involuntarily.

"Sarah?" an eerily calm and smooth voice called form behind. I froze in place, the edge of my mouth twitching into a nervous smile.

"I told you not to wake up later than 5:30 am." the voice added with a hint of annoyance present.

"Ah...good morning....Sebastian." I quietly greeted, stiffly turning to Mr. I need a good tan.

Unlike the usual practiced smile, he had his brows knit at me, a disapproving grimace on his face.

Ever since last night and his question of what I was doing out in the forest, I've been on guard for his appearance and I definitely didn't want to bump into him while doing my chores. But apparently, I have some kind of tracking device on me since he easily saw me even though I was sneaking my way through the mansion.

"What in earth are you wearing?" he suddenly asked, looking me up and down as he crossed his arms in front of himself.

I blinked at him, looking down at myself then looking back up at him with confused and slightly peeved eyes. "Um, clothes?" I said, my tone long and annoyed.

Okay, he might not be bothered about last night and now he's worrying about my clothes. That's good but....really?

He sighed at me and without a word, took my wrist, dragging me to the kitchen.

"Whoa! Hey!" I yelped as I did my best to push my feet against the floor.

But since they were newly polished and shined like glass, I just ended up sliding through the place and being dragged by Sebastian like he intended. Lovely.

We got to the kitchen and were met with Mey-rin and Bard who were currently lounging about. Hearing my annoyed yelps, they turned to me and Sebastian. From the side I heard Mey-rin gasp a bit at seeing my state.

At the moment I was half sitting on the floor, ready to bit Sebastian's hand off his wrist.

The butler rolled his eyes at me and easily pulled me up like a string, almost making me fly in the air.

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