Chapter 5: An Unexpectedly Wonderful and Horrible Day

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After I had run out of the house, my teeth grinding at each other and my body feeling as heavy as lead, I stopped after passing the front doors, seeing that it was suddenly raining, turning the trees, the roads and the sky dark around me.

For some reason, my body kept feeling hot, my heart beating like an uncontrollable drum as my fist shook. I wanted to think it was anger felt more than that.

Now all I could think of was finding whoever did this to my family. And whenever I did, this growing hatred just started to boil in me, threatening to burst at any second.

"Oi." Ciel suddenly called from inside the house.

I turned my head a bit, only glancing at the butler and the boy from the corner of my eye. Seeing him, I suddenly felt angrier.

Lord Phantomhive was just staring at me, looking troubled and annoyed at my current behavior. Apart from that, I felt no sympathy from him at all.

And I hated it.

I didn't know who he was, or what he did to be called 'The Queen's guard dog' but how could he go through this mansion and see my family lying dead without even flinching?

He knit my brows at me as I continued staring.

"How can you stay so still?" I asked, my voice coming out in a whisper. All traces of life pulled out from me.

At my question, Ciel simply stared, making the rain's sound blare at my ears and cool my back. He pulled his head down then slowly walked up to me, his shoes clopping on the polished floor.

Reaching me, he simply said these words:

"I'm sorry."

I kept my eyes on the floor, feeling that stabbing in my chest that made me cringe and feel nauseous.

"Lord Samuel was indeed one of the smartest, most brilliant men I've known." He said.

"But they're gone now." Ciel finished, his words making me flinch."Being depressed and acting like this won't bring them back."

At his words, I gritted my teeth and sighed heavily, still seeing the images of blood and my parents. And Sophie. I didn't even know if she was still alive or just missing.

My eyes then pulled up to the gray sky, watching the rain pour down as if the heavens were crying. Right after, I remembered that moment when it was raining so hard and I had gotten a terrible fever for running around outside, thinking the rain wasn't gonna harm me. I cried all throughout those headaches and feeling of coldness even though I was cocooned by tons of blankets.

"It's gonna be okay." mother would soothe with her gentle and soft voice, her expression just as pained as mine.

In a second, I felt the tear slowly roll down my cheek, going down my skin like a straight line. And soon, my tears had fallen again, leaking from my eyes and making me wilt to the floor like a puddle, covering my face from the two guys standing next to me.

"Why?" I whimpered harshly, my hands wet with tears as my body shook out the sobs threatening to come out from my mouth.

For a moment, I thought either Ciel or Sebastian would try to comfort me, like anyone used to do for me. Instead, I heard Ciel click his tongue loudly in annoyance, making me peek up at him though my fingers.

He had his arms crossed as he looked down at me, a very disappointed and very annoyed look on his cold face. "Tch. so it was true, huh?" he muttered, looking at me like I was some kind of useless and pitiful little worm. Sebastian smiled a bit from next to him, his red eyes glowing with amusement.

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