Chapter 8: Hopeless Hide and Seek

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I woke up earlier than expected. At first, I really thought falling asleep in this gigantic mansion would be extremely hard and my eyes would end up being droopy and dark circled the next day. But despite this mansion being gloomy and dark, the bed was sooo soft. It felt like I was sleeping on a sheep, really.

Pushing away those thoughts, I figured I should walk around for a bit, just to get to know the new place and not get lost. Plus, today's the first day of my very first job, not knowing where the kitchen is is surely not a good start.

Though I was still really sleepy and wanted to succumb to the bed's beckoning calls for me to go back to sleep, I got up anyway. Carefully sitting up from the bed, I squinted out the window to see it was only dawn. The sun hadn't even come out yet, but the blue sky was slowly turning orange, the slight fog outside dissipating.

With a yawn, I got up from bed and checked Sophie's temperature. Her fever seems to have come down. Well, sleep is the best medicine.

Blinking at myself, I started wondering where the medicine was. Sophie also had a cold and it was practically snot all over my face unless I pushed her away.

After tucking her in so she was warmer, I headed to the bathroom, ready to take a bath before going off to find Ciel or Sebastian for the medicine.

When I turned the shower knob though, it didn't work and the only thing that came out was a gurgling sound then a loud clunk from the pipes.

I blinked, sighing. Getting out the bathroom, I took some navy pants and a simple shirt that was too big for me and folded them both in my arms. Carefully, I slipped out the room and shut the door, heading to find Sebastian or a bathroom with a shower that works.

While I walked barefoot through the dim hallways, I rolled my eyes to myself.

"Who'd think that they'd have faulty pipes even in this well-known noble's mansion."

After a while of walking, I came into a hall with doors at each side. With a sigh, I started to open each of them, hoping I luckily come across a bathroom.

Yawning with crust still clouding my eyes and my head still feeling groggy, I just walked into the first door that opened. The room was smaller, pretty much bare with only the necessities like a clean bed, a table and lamp at the side, a wardrobe and a small window. And at the side, an open door that seemed to be the bathroom.

"Ah, thank god." I yawned and simply closed the door, locking it as well, then throwing my clothes onto the bed before going into the bathroom and shutting the door as well, starting a good bath.

With a sigh, I emerged from the bathroom, my hair still dripping with me in only a small towel that was until my top thigh, exposing my scarred legs. Looking down at my slim legs, I blinked with a blank look on my face. Turning my legs for inspection, I sighed heavily at the sight of the small scars and bruises all over them.

"Ahh, I need to do something about this." I muttered.

"You really should." An all too uncomfortably familiar honey dew voice hummed from the doorway.

My head whipped up and I almost screamed as my eyes popped out to see Sebastian standing right at the open doorway, eyeing me suspiciously and thoughtfully, that stoic and bored look on his face both annoying and very embarrassing.

"GAH!" I shouted in alarm, quickly retreating into the bathroom and hiding myself behind the door. My head popped out with my face as hot as an oven.

"W-W-what are you doing here?! Coming in all of a sudden, how rude!" I shouted, pointing my finger crazily at him as my mind panicked.

At the corner of my eye, I saw my clothes still sloppily spread out on the bed. What's worse was that my blue (cough) panties were slightly peeking from under my white shirt. "GAAAH! Damn it!" my consciousness screamed hysterically as I felt my entire body and face go hot, the cold sweat dripping down my head. I can actually see the smoke billowing out from my ears.

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