Chapter 7: A Sweet Pirate and A Creepy butler

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"You could've used the front door." Ciel said nonchalantly.

At his words, the edge of my mouth twitched as my eyes flew to the butler now standing at the wide doorway, glaring at me with troubled eyes.

As much as I wanted to tell Sebastian on his master and complain about his annoyingness, I jumped when Sophie coughed horribly into my chest and I flinched every time I heard her cough that sounded like she was being gagged. Instantly, my heart dropped like a bag of bricks and I looked up at Ciel, squeezing Sophie's back tightly.

"Please...." I muttered, lowering my head and hiding my face that kept all that shame I felt at asking help from someone that seemed like a bad person to me.

"Help my sister get well." I begged, peeking up at Ciel through my fringe.

The noble blinked at me, surprised at first then after what seemed like eternally long seconds, he simply sighed a heavy sigh at me.


I blinked, the instant annoyance and disbelief filling me up again and threatening to burst out into a growl and another walk-out scene on the noble.

"I already have enough trouble on my hands. I don't need you too." He said dismissively while looking heavily annoyed and remembering something unpleasant all at the same time, turning his back to me and Sophie as he took his walking stick and started on to leaving the dinner table and heading upstairs.

Before he could even get halfway, I fell to my knees, the shock of the sudden pain that slapped my knees making me jump. At the sound of something falling, Ciel whipped his head back to me.

Gritting my teeth, I slowly lowered my head, bowing my head down as far as I could to the Phantomhive and pushing my pride away.

"Please...I'm begging you here. I don't have money nor do I have any medicine to help treat her fever. I don't even know what to do right now except ask for your help." I said, almost laughing at my ridiculous self.

When he didn't say anything, I continued. "Please, just forget everything I said last time." I added and pulled my head up to see Ciel's usual stoic and expressionless face looking down at me with such scornful pity. But I ignored that.

"I'll do anything to compensate for the trouble I caused you...just help my sister." I said with a very low voice.

After I finished talking, the rain seemed to get louder around the mansion and the air colder.

Please, agree. Heck, we won't be even a burden. I'm pretty sure what me and Sophie will be doing is just raid the library and eat.

Suddenly, Ciel sighed once more, rubbing his temple and crossing his arms before turning his back to me. "Sebastian, take them to their room and take care of her sister." Ciel loudly said.

At Ciel's words, I froze up with complete shock, staring at the 13 year old noble.

He agreed.

Oh my God, he agreed. Maybe this kid isn't so bad after all...

Yes, I know, ridiculous is the way I think. But, now that I think about it, there is no such thing as good and bad people. As long as they help you, they're good. If they don't....they're stupid bastards.

Sebastian on the other hand stood frozen, his face having that usual smile. But this time it obviously seemed more annoyed than polite and pleasant. I shuddered in my place.

Right then Ciel stopped in his tracks. "Did you hear me, Sebastian?" Ciel asked, turning his head a bit to the butler with a slight glare.

Sebastian blinked and with a cold sweat, he gave Ciel a low bow, his face looking as troubled and as annoyed as ever. "Yes, my lord." He replied. And in the blink of an eye, the butler was standing right next to me, holding his arms out. I blinked at him in confusion.

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