Chapter 33: Bone Cracking Mystery and Confusion

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                     First thing I thought was, “What? This guy was a shinigami?”

                  As the shards of glass fell onto us like glittering rain, I stared at Undertaker, mesmerized as he started explaining everything about the moving corpses.

                  “It’s true. I’m the one who made these moving corpses.”

                  “Why in hell would you do that?” Marcus asked, carefully approaching from behind me but Undertaker stopped him, whipping his sotoba towards Marcus’ face and stopping only an inch before the wood could tap his face.

                  Undertaker grinned at his question then pulled his head up to the skylight.

                  “Ah, yes…at first it was probably because of my curiosity towards humans.” he replied, now talking about how a human is a flesh and soul.

                   “Mixed together, one can exist amongst the living and document their life memories on their cinematic record.”

                “And when they die, their body withers and shinigami collect their souls. The record ends there and the living become the dead.” He explained.

                  He explained a lot of things while I was carefully shuffling away, not taking my eyes off him. But the end was a very interesting question.


                  “What would happen if the end had a continuation?”

                  At his question, I blinked. I’ve thought about that question many times already. Whenever I’m bored and I start looking up at the sky, remembering that I was told there was such a place called heaven and another called hell.

I believed in such places.

                   That after death, you’d be going to a place where time stops and you’re surrounded by the people and things you love. And nothing bad would ever happen to you again.

Well, I believed in that place back then. Now, all I can see is hell.

                  In some way, Undertaker had taken these corpses cinematic records and edited them.

                  “If you don’t believe me, take a look for yourself using your own abilities.” Undertaker sniggered, motioning Grell and welcoming him to cut open one of the corpses.

                  With a swish of Grell’s death scythe, the cinematic record burst in our eyes and I saw how these corpses lived their lives. Once they died, the record stopped with the word END.

                  Right after that, I was shocked, my eyes going wide with disbelief as we (shinigami and demons) watched a record of Undertaker wearing a fake moustache and jokingly dancing around like a clown with a cane and top hat.

                  “WHA! WHAT IS THIS?!!” Grell exclaimed, almost dropping his chainsaw on his own foot.

                  “This is…” Sebastian uttered in shock while Marcus and I simply stared blankly and dumbfounded at the records that continuously showed Undertaker’s little show.

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