Chapter 15: A Growing Black over Blue

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A sweet scent came over me, making my eyes weakly flutter open. I could only see a smooth and dark wooden ceiling. As I blinked, my surroundings doubled and tripled, making me groan as my head spun like a top.

"Ugh." I groaned, slowly sitting myself up. Once I got up, I froze to see that walking around the small room was the black haired guy from back in the baron's mansion.

The room was fairly big. But it would've been entirely dark if it weren't for the standing lamp lighting up the brown walls. At one side was a large wooden wardrobe with my leather shoes sitting on the floor next to it, and a door supposedly leading to the bathroom.

Seemingly, the black haired guy heard me get up and immediately glanced at me.

"Oh. You're awake." He muttered quietly as he moved across the room towards a small wooden table, it's top occupied by vials, glass bottles, leaves-most probably herbs since the sweet scent was coming from the table, and a marble mortar holding a pestle, it's bottom part covered with crushed leaves.

The boy took one vial encasing an orange liquid from the shelf and headed to me, sitting next to me on the bed.


"Drink this first before you ask questions." He said, pushing the vial to my mouth. "You're still recovering from the situation in the baron's house."

He popped off the cork and a scent of orange and honey fluttered into my nostrils, slowly making the headache dissipate like fog. Though the smell was irresistible, I kept my mouth shut, whipping my head away stubbornly.

Besides, who said I could trust this guy. He looks totally suspicious. Other than that, he won't even tell me his name or why he suddenly appeared and decided to help when I was having some kind of panic attack.

Speaking of that, I could remember him saying some ridiculous things.

Me, a demon? That's insane.

"Oi. Dumbass. Drink." He ordered, his smooth voice filled with annoyance as he pulled my head towards him, pushing on my cheeks and trying to make me open my mouth.

Instantly, annoyance filled my head as the vein popped in my head. Thrashing, I pushed his face upwards and grabbed the vial from his large and pale hand.

"WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO, HUH?! I'M NOT DRINKING THIS, YOU SUSPICIOUS CREEP! AND DON'T CALL ME A DUMBASS, JERK!" I shouted, keeping the vial up in the air and away from his reach as I pushed him away with my foot.

The edge of his mouth twitched and he growled, angrily pointing a finger at me.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING SUSPICIOUS, YOU FREAK?! I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU HERE AND YOU CALL ME A JERK?!" he roared back, making me flinch at his red eyes that seemed to be glowing in this darkness. Other than, I couldn't help but feel dumbfounded at the sudden personality change of this guy.

Back then he was quite, umm...somehow suave but now...jeez, how noisy.

We stared at each other, seemingly measuring each one's strength or temper. Seeing the way he talked to me and the way he held himself, it seemed unlikely he was the kind to push off so easily.

Grinding my teeth, I harrumphed, whipping my head away and hitting his face with my hair. "I'm not doing anything until you tell me who you are, where I am and what the hell is going on!" I growled, glaring at him from the corner of my eye.

The edge of his mouth twitched and he sighed heavily.

"God damn it, what a stubborn mule." I heard him mutter in a low tone.

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