Chapter 22: A Blue Star Exposed Under a Red Moon

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=_= THE NEXT DAY =_=

"I'm coming down too." Marcus said, confidently striding up my door and placing his hand on the knob. Instantly, I felt my heart jump as a sudden power burst into my muscles before I pulled Marcus back by the collar of his coat. With a very loud gagging sound, the demon boy fell back to the floor with a quiet thud!

"Oi!" he hissed in a whisper, glaring at me as he rubbed his neck. I glared back at him, resisting the urge to beat up that soap opera actor face and throw him out the window to his death since right now, I didn't have the time to play with him. I'm already late again and once I leave my room, the creepy butler might be waiting right outside looking like a creepy statue.

"If you don't keep quiet, Mr. Michaelis will come and kill you." I said with a dainty smile. Marcus rolled his eyes at me, scoffing at my words.

He was about to say something but in a flash, I pushed my face towards his, immediately making him pull back and stare at me with wide and shocked eyes as I glowered, the edge of my mouth twitching in absolute annoyance at this little child.

"Stay. Here." I slowly growled, satisfied only when I saw the look of utter shock on the demon boy's face. With him not being able to say a thing, I pulled back and quickly pushed through a small crack on the door, locking it in the process as I left for the kitchen, smiling at how Marcus would be reacting right now.

He must be clicking his tongue in annoyance by now. But please, that idiot should be thankful. Obviously, he had to stay in my room since Sebastian hates him and he trespassed into the manor. No, not like me. Like I said, I was an unknowingly invited guest.

As I made my way down the wide staircase, fiddling with the buttons of my green waistcoat over a white button down shirt that covered the entire top half of my knee length, green pants, I almost stumbled down the stairs while I tried to keep the black shoes Mey rin lent me on my feet.

Right when my feet stepped onto the polished black and white tiled floors, I was immediately greeted with a loud, ear-splitting BANG! before the sound of wood falling on stone echoed in the room.

Freezing up a bit, I knit my brows in worry as I rushed to the sound which was coming from the kitchen.

"Did Bard try to cook again?!" I thought as I hurried to the kitchen. I was already a few feet away when my consciousness and ears jumped at the echo of china plates crashing to the floor, the mere sound making me shiver at the thought of what punishment Ciel would have in store for this.

"Okay, that's not good!" I shouted as I pushed open the kitchen door and burst into the room.

Seeing what I saw, I froze with my mouth partially open in shock.

At the moment, Bard and Mey-rin were in the middle of what was seemingly a fight with two men wearing all white suits.

One man was tall and had short, messy silver hair similar to his silver eyes filled simply with a clam that made my eyes wander to the mole on his left cheek. He simply stood in one corner of the room, watching Bard and Mey rin struggle with his partner who was swishing a long sword all over the place.

"What the hell?!" my head shouted as my eyes followed one of the white clothed men easily who was easily dodging Mey-rin's bullets like a cheetah.

The man Mey rin was trying to shoot into hell was young, probably ten years older than me. Small and slim, lithe like a cat and had shaggy and messy silver hair, the front cut until his chin and the back uneven and long. Like his hair, he also had silver eyes, the orbs glimmering with amusement and proud satisfaction as he sprinted across the room, the lightning fast bullets missing him in mere inches while he lunged Mey rin head on.

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