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Sarah's POV:

"I am Phantomhive's butler." Sebastian smiled, his red eyes glowing even more intensely now that I knew he really was a demon.

And now he knew I was a demon too. With the thought, I just saw myself getting thrown out the mansion and into the mud. Either that or Sebastian would kill me himself. With a gulp, I gritted my teeth and growled, hoping my charade would still work on him and just kept pummeling his chest with my angry fists, though he didn't seem bothered by me at all. "LET GO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" I shouted, trying to push myself off or just even slide out of his iron hold.

"I do wonder," he started, raising his brow at me with a very amused grin on his face. "How long have you been a demon? Tell me, would you?" Sebastian cooed, bringing his face closer so that that same intense but sweet scent overwhelmed my senses again, making my head go a bit hazy.

"W-what...are you talking about?!" I growled, trying to keep my eyes open since the strange scent Sebastian has been giving off was starting to get stronger like a poisonous gas only, it was like smelling honey.

The butler squeezed his arm around me tighter, rendering it impossible for me to escape now. "Now," Sebastian started, pulling his hand up before his cold, gloved hand slowly caressed the line from the end of my left ear to my chin, pulling it up with his finger and making me look directly up at him.

"How should I play with you?" he chuckled, his red eyes still glowing but this time his pupils had turned into slits, like cat eyes. Beautiful but threatening all at the same time.

"Marcus, help!" I screamed in my head, thinking of ways to get out of this mess as I kept struggling in the black tree's hold.

God forbid this guy is too much!

"Where's Marcus when you need him?!" my consciousness whimpered as I practically teared up like a little child.

I growled once more and this time, took the initiative to pull my hand out from inside his arms and into the air. Confusion and slight shock swept past Sebastian's eyes for a moment before my fist fell onto the top of his head with a loud and heavy THUMP! Right after, I pulled out my other arm next and banged on his head like it was a drum.

"LET. ME. GO. YOU CREEP!!!!" I screamed, my fists banging at his head again and again in a deadly annoying fast pace.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS DEMON SHIT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT? STOP IT! YOU'RE CREEPING ME OUT AND IT'S NOT FUNNY!!!" I shouted, not at all bother by my white lie as I kept flailing in his arms now.

I would like to say it was working but the butler simply just blinked at me with a blank and bored look as his head bobbed under my fists again and again. I sweat dropped. What is wrong with this guy?! He's not even the tiniest bit annoyed.

Right then, Sebastian tilted his head as a thoughtful look spread on his pale face as he hummed. A few seconds after, he started moving and made my heart beat wildly against my rib cage as I saw he was headed to the open window. I knew exactly what he was gonna try and do.

Now, looking back at that portal, it was like I was gonna be thrown into the sea and drowned into the watery abyss.

"Stubborn, are we?" he asked with a raised brow.

Right then, he pulled out his free arm and in a flash, grabbed both my wrists, encasing them in his own large hand and pulled me out of the cage of his arms. And holding me by my wrists like a goose, he pushed my entire self out the window, making me yelp as my vision wobbled at the sight of the ground and bushes suddenly appearing under me.

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