Chapter 34: A Sinking Feeling

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                  My body was still screaming in pain. The only difference now was that for some reason, the polished floor was moving rapidly under me.

                  And waking me from the blackness was the sound of wood falling on wood, and glass shattering loud enough to be mistaken for thunder.

                  The floor was slipping under me now and before it could go faster, I winced as my body suddenly stopped with a heavy bob, my wrist now being held by a smooth, cool hand.

                  "Marcus..." I muttered under a gasp as my ribcage seemed to crack right then and there.

                  Even with my eyes feeling heavy as lead, with great effort, I pulled them open and groaned to see my vision had practically turned into a kaleidoscope.

                  The pillars which were now lying horizontally were blurred, doubling now and again as I caught a glimpse of a familiar ginger haired man, sliding past us with great speed, screaming in horror.

                  When Stoker disappeared before my eyes and stopped screaming, I finally realized the Campania was probably in the process of sinking right at this moment.

                  And upon looking up, I could feel my heart tighten in fear as it beat crazily like the wings of a bird.

                   Right in front of my eyes was a pale face, his platinum hair glistening in the Campania's light. But still, his green eyes glowed brighter before my eyes.

                Even with my vision blurred, I could see the visible smile growing on Undertaker's face.

                  "Marcus..." I groaned, begging my throat to let go of my voice and let me call for help since I now have another person trying to grab my skin and probably kill me.

                  I wanted to get out of his grip but that was obviously a bad idea since I might just end up like Stoker and fall to my death.

                  So as Undertaker pulled me by the wrist and up into his arms, I simply groaned, baring my teeth at him as I struggled to give him a glare.

He simply chuckled at me.

                  "You look quite funny, Sarah." He snickered.

                  Ah, yes, the struggles of trying to give a death glare right after fainting and feeling disoriented then being told you look like a clown.

                  Anyhow, I wasn't keen on entertaining this guy anymore nor do I want to ask how the hell he knew I was a half-demon when Marcus was the only one who knew about it.

                  Right now, I just wanted to get away from this creep.

Granted I run away too much, but being called a coward beats being called a dead person. A dead half-demon person that is.


                  Right on cue, I looked up, my vision finally clear enough to see that the red haired reaper was lunging right towards us with his freak chainsaw growling angrily like a  rabid lion.

                  Before Grell could slice us into half, I practically lost my breath when Undertaker suddenly jumped into the air, making my head spin like a top as he jumped all over the place, asking something about Grell being Madam Red's (whoever she is) butler.

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