Chapter 32: Demons: 3 and 1/2, Humans: 1 and 1/2, Shinigami: 3?!

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Sarah’s P.O.V.

             After saying those words, I swear I felt Marcus go limp. As if my words literally and physically weakened him.

Why wouldn’t it get me thinking though? If someone you loved had died, you’d want them back too, right?

                     “Are you thinking of your family too?” Marcus suddenly asked in a whisper, making me glance up at him and see his eyes had gone soft.

Of course I was.

                      “I think I saw Sophie a while ago.” I muttered as we walked down a flight of stairs, the viscount’s men carefully placing the machine in the middle of the stairs leading down to the ballroom.

“It’s just your head.” Marcus replied. Right away, dejection and sadness hit me.

              “We burned her body, remember?” Marcus muttered back as Ciel asked the viscount some questions.

              “I never said it was actually her.” I replied, glancing down at the carpeted floor and remembering those long locks of hair whip past the hallway in the speed of light.

“So what are you getting at?” Marcus asked.

                I stared hard at the carpet. Even if what I saw was probably just a play of my eyes, that person? thing? Brought me to the machine we were looking for.

              Right then a familiar voice shouted from above,


              I looked up, seeing Stoker coming into the scene along with the two shinigami-Grell and Ronald Knox as told by Ciel.


                “Someone’s trying to tell me something.” I muttered under my breath as the viscount welcomed Stoker, suddenly talking about how Stoker’s world will fall and he would make a new world.

“With the power of this device….I WILL CREATE A NEW EMPIRE!!” the viscount shouted triumphantly, excitedly pushing his wine glass up in the air.

              Hearing his proclamation, I blinked in confusion while Marcus rolled his head around, apparently finding that rolling his eyes wasn’t enough for this ridicule.

                  …you’re going to make a new empire…with these dead corpses?

                That’s exciting but really stupid. It’s like saying you wanna rule over a world full of clueless piranhas.

             “Huh?” Ciel and his butler hummed with distaste.

            “What do we need this machine for again?” Marcus asked, whispering into my ear and making sure neither Ciel nor Sebastian could hear us since we were standing right next to each other. I rolled my eyes at him. He really is only curious.

“To stop the corpses, dummy.” I replied, feeling the small vein of annoyance pop in my head.

             “Well, I’m sorry, there’s a lot going on.” he growled back.

“The one who conquered eternity shall rule over everyone else with decadence and corruption!” the viscount shouted, his voice getting louder and louder and slightly making goose bumps rise in my skin.

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