Chapter 16: An Annoyingly Clever Snack

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"Why do I still have to go to Ciel?" I asked as we ran effortlessly through the rain. After running for such a long time, the sun was starting to show itself while the sky started to turn into a dark grey.

"You said you want to help me but, how are we gonna do anything in his mansion?"

"I need to arrange things first. And, in all honesty," He started, making me glance at him as the rain poured harder on us.

He smirked at me, his brow raised skeptically.

"Are you sure you want to sleep in the same house as a demon?" he asked.

I stared at him, shuddering. I guess he didn't want to say too much but I'm sure he meant: are you sure you'll be able and would want to trust me so easily?

I blinked at him and nonchalantly looked away.

He did have a point though. This guy's still a demon. And from the stories father has been telling me long ago to scare me and Sophie, demons were very clever and deceitful creatures.

"You're a demon too, idiot." my consciousness spat. I rolled my eyes at myself.

"Hey," I called, making Marcus glance at me as we jumped over a large log.

"What do you mean by arranging some things?" I asked, and slowly, the true question rippled in my head. The same question I used on Ciel.

"Why are you even helping me?"

Marcus stared at me, not stopping his running pace equal to that of a deer's running at full speed.

He suddenly smiled at me-a smile all too much like Sebastian's.

"Well, you're interesting." He simply said. I stared quizzically at him, wondering at his expression.

Something in me said he was somehow hiding something from me. For now, I didn't mind it.

Anyway, I did need to get something from Ciel's mansion. The steel box. The only problem this time was finding the key for it.

After a while, the sun had already risen and light fog was now wrapping both me and Marcus, turning the surrounding forest eerie what with the sky grey as the rain continued on.

"Marcus?" I called, making him turn to me again. "Where are your parents?"

The demon stared at me, his eyes wide with slight surprise and confusion. At first he kept quiet and seemed intent on keeping his mouth shut, but he said something anyway.

"Why do you want to know?" he asked, staring at me with serious and cold eyes that said it wasn't a question. It was something that meant he would never tell me anything like his history.

I stared back at him. Suddenly the retreating rain seemed colder. I didn't say anything, looking back to the wide path where at the end I could see the Phantomhive's manor getting closer and taller. This guy really is confusing. Not even bothering to tell me anything when now he practically knows half of my life story that even I didn't know about.

"Never mind." I said and we continued on running.

A few minutes later, the rain had stopped and the birds were chirping as the grey sky was taken over by a clear blue sky.

"The weather really is weird here." I heard Marcus mutter as we slowed down halfway near the mansion.

"Alright, I'll be leaving you here." the demon boy suddenly said, smiling a close eyed smile at me. I blinked at him in confusion.

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