Chapter 37:A Burst of Hell

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Sarah's POV:

"I shouldn't think too much on it..." I thought to myself, staring at the polished floor as I bit on my nails, trying to forget the glare Marcus blessed me just a few minutes ago.

The minute his eyes landed on mine...I seriously thought he'd actually strangle me.

                  I kept myself glued to the kitchen table, the sound of water trickling from the taps echoing into my ears like a giant gong.

                  A small but heavy sigh escaped my lips as I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling troubled and stressed.

                  "Well, other than that, I should keep everyone away from my room." I thought to myself, trying to forget about Marcus' sudden menace towards me.

He did say something about going to America since he had a friend there who knew stuff and could help me with stuff.

                  Carefully, my eyes looked around the kitchen, staring in awe as I saw the silverware glimmer brightly under a stream of light, the specks of dirt and matter clearly visible and making me think I'm probably underwater.

                  "This place is seriously nice." I muttered under my breath, my voice small and quiet.

                  A second later, I blinked and quickly shook my head and tried to wake myself from my trance. Shaking my head repeatedly, I mentally slapped myself.

                  Me liking this place is exactly what shouldn't happen.

I already decided long ago that getting attached to anything was a bad thing for me.

                  Jumping off the counter, I strolled out the kitchen, thinking of where to go next to get my head organized.

                  The room's not an option. Not until I feel comfortable whenever I walk near the stairs heading up to my room.

                  Walking towards the front doors, I passed the new and wide antique table (it replaced the one I destroyed when I first arrived in the mansion.) and saw a very pretty box sitting in the middle of the table, its wooden exterior decorated with intricate wisps of colors and flowers.

                  Approaching it, I suddenly stopped in my tracks, my eyes going as wide as walnuts while my heart stopped.

The steel box.

I haven't opened that damn thing yet.....and now that I'm here...


                  Immediately, I straightened myself and looked around, scanning the room for any sign of other people, specifically demon butlers.

                  With the coast clear, I hurriedly made my way back to my room, walking briskly up the stairs at the last flight of stairs, I froze in place to see two beady blue eyes staring up at me.


                  I blinked, frozen mid-step as the white kitten we brought with us simply blinked back at me and licked its maw, its entire body frozen just like mine as it saw me climb up the stairs.

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