Chapter 39: A Bloody End and A Solitary Beginning

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As the earl's words settled in me, I blinked, at first feeling confused then quickly feeling absolute loathing for Ciel.

"How dare you." I hissed, the strained sound in my voice making me flinch at the strangeness of it. "Marcus was the only person who truly helped me when I needed it the most." I growled, pulling myself farther away from Ciel's looming form and slowly getting up from the floor, and attempt to take back even just a tiny sliver of my dignity.

"Are you saying I never helped you?" Ciel asked, his voice suddenly filled with anger as I felt the hostility wrap around me like a blanket.

 Gritting my teeth, I pulled my chin up. "Gah, I don't care anymore....I've had enough." I muttered, staring at the two people that I couldn't understand the most.

 "Don't talk about him anymore." I growled, feeling my eyes grow heated once again like there was a fire stoking far behind my irises.

"...Don't you even dare mutter his name...."

At my words, Ciel simply stared at me, a slight solemnity behind them. 

They did help me way before I met Marcus. But I know they have a motive behind it.

 What human would help another human for no reason? There is no such thing as pure, unsullied goodwill in the world of people. The noble standing before me taught me that. Other than that, Sebastian told me himself. Ciel wants something from me. That's the only reason he endured keeping me in this household.

 Ciel stared at me, his brows knit together in frustration as he crossed his arms. Beside him, Sebastian stopped next to his master, the two of them finally looking like a king and his royal Doberman staring down at me from a high throne and conducting my movements like I was some kind of puppet.

"You were already a puppet ever since you met them." The same eerie voice mumbled in my head.

After a good glare, I finally turned my back to them, hearing the thunder rumble weakly outside like an earthquake humming.

  "What are you going to do now?" Ciel called, "You just walking around in the rain like before won't help anything."

 "And you know what I should do?" I growled, whipping my entire self back at them as I felt the warm, prickling sensation wrap around my eyes once again.

 "You threatened to kill me before. Why the hell should I trust you?" I snarled, feeling my blood get hotter once again.

"Why did you have to talk again, Ciel?" I thought to myself, loathing the fact that now, all I can feel was simply hatred for anyone and everyone that ever even just annoyed me.

 "I only told Sebastian to say that because you were being difficult." Ciel said, sounding slightly innocent but still firm as he sighed, lolling his head to the side a bit and looking at me with exhausted annoyance.

The edge of my mouth twitched. "Yes, 'cause usually if people annoy you, you threaten to truly kill them." I muttered under my breath as I rolled my eyes at them.

 "Look, Sarah. I'm requesting for you to stay in this household." Ciel suddenly said.

At his words, I couldn't help but feel my eyes go wide.

 "REQUESTING???" my consciousness gasped, the tiny me's in my brain going haywire as I simply stared at Ciel who stared back with an expression saying he wasn't kidding at all.

 "WHAT?" I gaped in reply, probably looking comical as I whipped my head back in absolute shock.

The earl requesting something of me? Requesting me to stay in his house? That entire thought in itself was utter madness.

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