Chapter 24: Ciel Phantomhive Equals Mystery

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Sarah's POV:

I stomped towards my room, totally annoyed to the point of murdering someone. Hopefully no one passes me since I might just end up punching them into a wall.

"That bastard." I growled angrily, my hands clenched tightly into fists as they swing from my sides. If it wasn't obvious enough yet, I hate losing. I hate it even more than spiders and that damn butler.

Just what is he planning exactly? Striking a deal like that? And what the hell, entertain him?! But adding to that, why's he so hostile towards Marcus? I know that he's a demon too. But so am I and the butler doesn't (probably) hate me that much. And all he's doing to me is bully me and make me feel ridiculous and humiliated.

I reached my room uneventfully and came in to see it empty, the usual black haired demon boy not lying in my bed and annoying me at present.

I blinked, confusion swishing past me like a wind as I stared at the open window, the breeze coming in gently and making the curtains float mid-air. I glanced around the room, scanning for that messy head of black hair but even with me jogging around the room and to the bathroom, I didn't find Marcus at all. He just disappeared as fast as he appeared the night before.

"No wonder he didn't come out to help me." I thought bitterly to myself, instantly feeling depressed that I was asking for help from someone who was already gone.

Right then, my eye caught sight of a white paper on the side table. I walked towards the table and swiped it, reading a note from Marcus who had terrible handwriting that gave me the impression he was in a colossal hurry.

"Something came up. see you soon.

-you know who."

It simply said.

I stared at it and a second later, crumpled it in my hands hoping that I could burn it into smithereens.

"Why can't I make fire?!" I shouted to the air, stomping at Marcus' letter and feeling absolutely betrayed.

Today I was just mentally tortured by a black tree and now, the one and only demon I can trust has gone into the wind leaving me a simple and poorly written note.

"Damn it, Marcus." I sighed heavily, feeling my body burning with annoyance as I paced the room, wondering what I should be doing right now. I can't kill Sebastian, he's too strong for me to handle by myself and that's an understatement. Running away isn't a choice now either since now I know that....Sebastian is simply just too strong for me to handle by myself.

"I'll get killed in a second."

Seeing how out gunned I am, I wilted to my bed, shaking my head in disbelief as the mere thought of seeing that butler again made me shudder. Adding to that, I feel embarrassed of my stupidity that was so slow to notice Sebastian's demon blood. All this time I was thinking he was just a creepy human.

"How depressing is this?" I muttered pitifully to myself.

Right then, my vision blurred as my chest seemed to get uncomfortably tight. I pulled my hand to my neck, feeling for the place where Sebastian dug his teeth into and cringed at the two tiny holes. Taking a deep breath, I could feel myself going anemic thanks to that stupid butler who practically sucked me dry. Carefully, I walked to the bathroom to rinse the wound before going back to bed.

After a long while of staring at the ceiling, a low hum started to fill my ears. I knit my brows together, wondering if my loss of blood was affecting my hearing. Either that or there was a bomb about to fall on the mansion.

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