Chapter 4: A Nightmare Come True

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"Ah, what an unrefined girl." a small and high voice said near my ear.

My eyes popped open and I quickly sat up, my heart beating like a drum. I was inside the mansion, lying on the couch next to mother and Sophie. I blinked and looked around. The party was still going on without a hitch. Though, maybe it was just my eyes adjusting, the lights seemed to be brighter and the music softer.

"Huh?" I muttered dreamily as I kept looking around, trying to find that crazed butler. Did he bring me back in here?!

"What is it, dear?" mother's voice asked from behind me. I turned back to her, seeing that curious look on her face as she gave a gentle smile.

"Ah, it's long was I asleep?" I asked.

It occurred to me that if I asked if the Phantomhive's butler carried me here while I was unconscious, I would start a big scandal. Either that or I'll be called too imaginative.

"Well, two hours." Mother sighed, looking at me with disapproval even though she kept grinning at me.

Hearing that I was indeed asleep for these past hours made me sigh with relief as I pulled my face into my hand, rubbing it and attempting to fully wake myself.

Right when I was about to grab Sophie and play with her hair to pass more time, I suddenly jumped in my seat. Literally. It was as if an invisible force stomped on the ground with such strength, I had to fly in mid air for a second. I gasped and quickly grabbed the couch as I kept jumping in my seat again. This time, my whole body was bobbing up and down as if we were inside a carriage that was passing a very bumpy road.

"Mother! What's going on?!" I yelled, feeling my shoulder go cold for some reason.

Around me, the lights had suddenly gone off and the only thing brightening up the suddenly silent room was the moon that brightened eerily from outside

"Mother?!" I called out, trying to feel around for her. I could still hear everyone talking leisurely, their boisterous laughter booming at my ears and their voices suddenly passing me like trains.

"Sophie?" I called this time, trying to find her blue hair.

As I kept my hand held out, I jumped and nearly screamed when someone grabbed my wrist, their hand cold as ice as they gripped me with amazing strength.

"Ah! Hey!" I shouted, trying to free myself.

Right then, everyone else's voices seemed to drown out and were soon overlapped by the familiar voice of my father and another voice, seemingly coming from a boy.

"You still haven't found them yet, Lord Samuel?" the boyish voice asked, but his voice was distorted, as if I were listening from the shallows of water. It suddenly occurred to me.

"Ciel Phantomhive?" I thought.

My father sighed, his voice sounding clear and gentle to my ears. "No. These missing children...most of them had been disappearing through the night. And no one has even caught sight of a child walking around the streets alone." He said, his voice suddenly distressed.

Ciel kept silent for a moment. "I'll help out then." He said. "'She' is getting distressed."

My father was silent and after a while, he sighed once more.

"Alright. It's not like I can do this alone." He muttered.

"You should keep your eyes open though." Another low and musical voice interrupted. The butler.

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