Chapter 26: One Diamond is Annoying Though.

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“Hey!” Marcus suddenly shouted, immediately pulling me back by my arm and making me shout in protest.

“If someone catches you, don’t say you’re going to leave.” Marcus reminded.

I yanked my arm away from his hand, clicking my tongue in slight annoyance.

“I know that much.” I simply growled before stomping away and into the pouring rain.

If I even show a hint that I’m never coming back, Sebastian would probably somehow piece together that Marcus is around and I’d have Ciel on my tail and a too strong demon trying to bring my head to his master.

At the fact that I was to leave this mansion to go away somewhere with Marcus and train my new demon powers, the only thing I was coming back to get was the box I found in my own family mansion. The box my foster parents were so troubled about.

And I’m ashamed to admit that I haven’t even opened it yet. I had no key, and I never had the chance to try other ways to open it other than groan and hiss at it in annoyance.

Other than me not having the key, I also had work to do, so I was too busy to even know anything about this strange part of my life.

After long stomps and strides, I stopped in front of the backdoor, soaking wet from my hat to the inside of my shoes.

Sebastian’s gonna have a heart attack. If that’s possible for a demon that is.

Coming back into this mansion might not be a good idea since, I might not want to leave anymore, but it’s not really a problem for me.

If I could leave my dead sister behind in a burning house, I can leave these people whom I’m not related to in anyway much easier.

Once I came in through the back door, I was greeted with an empty kitchen. Thankfully, I don’t have to explain why I’m soaking wet.

I sneaked through the kitchen, heading upstairs and listening closely to the small chatter and laughter in the living room where everyone was. Bard and the others weren’t around and Sebastian was surely preoccupied by the guests.

Getting to my room, I stopped a few feet away.

Staring down at the carpeted floor, I tensed. The air was different around the hallway.

Instantly, I started to act again.

With a heavy sigh, I nonchalantly pulled off my cap.

“Ahh, Sebastian’s gonna kill me.”

“I sadly cannot do that.” An ominous and honeyed voice replied from the shadows.

I had to suppress another sigh.

Of course he’d be on my tail. I tried to look surprised and quickly stepped away from the shadowy area opposite of where I was standing.

“Please stop doing that.” I said.

A chuckle echoed form behind me this time, making my heart jump before I gasped and whirled and stumbled away, fumbling over my feet and almost falling on my bum.

Sebastian who was supposed to be opposite of me was actually standing behind me.

And now, I was staring up at him in absolute shock, seeing his pale face lit up by the sudden lightning striking outside and making his red eyes slightly glow.

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