Chapter 9: Sebastian AKA CCL= Crazy Cat Lover

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Panting, I ran through the dark streets, darkness enveloping and releasing me again and again as I passed tall lampposts, my lungs feeling like they're about to give in. As I ran, my imagination haunted me with images of my sister.

Where the hell did she go?!

Did she just wander off somewhere and ended up standing in the middle of an unknown street crying and lost?...or did she get tossed in a sack and carried off somewhere farther away from me?...or worse.

Is she lying in a pool of crimson?

I gritted my teeth, lowering my head as my heart drummed like crazy on my ribcage. It's just my imagination. It won't happen.

As I was running, I slowed my pace when ahead of me, I saw an ominous building with a stone sign reading 'Undertaker', a dark and haunting skull glaring and smiling down at whoever decided to walk into the place.

My eyes widened as I gasped inwardly. "Maybe I can ask for help in there?" I thought, quickening my pace.

As I was about to pull the knob, I jumped and froze when someone else pulled it open, revealing a small boy and a butler in black.

Behind them, a man with very long platinum hair under a hat that seemed to press down his equally long fringe that entirely covered his eyes, and a very wide grin set on his face even with the strange collection of coffins in the room and a skull sitting quietly on his desk.

But I went back to the boy in front of me. Staring into my eyes, Ciel's own blue eyes widened at my sudden appearance while Sebastian stared at me with the same shock.

Seeing these two, I wanted to fall to my knees in relief.

"Ciel!" I gasped, wheezing as my hands pressed on my knees, my entire body shaking.

"Sarah?!" Ciel exclaimed as I slowly fell to the ground on my butt, gasping for breath as my chest tightened all too suddenly. "What happened?! Where's your sister?" he asked, rushing to me and seemingly trying to find a way to help stop my coughing fit.

"She...she disappeared." I coughed through raking wheezes, feeling my throat go dry as the coughs scratched at the walls it.

At my words, Ciel flinched, slowly pulling back as if he had a revelation. He then glanced back at Sebastian then gave a hard nod.

The noble then pulled me up with my arm. "Get up, we're going somewhere." He suddenly said.

From behind us, the man with platinum hair pulled up his hand, grinning widely as he seemingly waved goodbye at us, his hand invisible under the too long sleeve of his black robe.

As the carriage suddenly appeared and stopped behind me, my eyes went wide as I had the need to shout at Ciel and tell him to help me find my sister in these streets. But before I could even open my mouth, Sebastian had already pushed me into the carriage, practically throwing me in and making me stumble into the seat. I glared at him but he simply smiled smugly in return.

After Ciel had come in, Sebastian followed and we moved away from the building, the horse's hooves clopping on the road sounding distant to my ears.

"But! Sophie!" I started, but Ciel stopped me by glaring his eyes at me, making me shut up instantly as I flinched.

"It's most likely your sister was kidnapped." He announced, thoughtfully knitting his brows together. At the sight of him seemingly thinking, my crazed heart rate seemed to slow down into a more calming way.

"By who?" I asked.

Ciel sighed at me, looking irked all of a sudden. I do have that effect on people.

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