Chapter 21: The Damn Butler Is a Magician Too.

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"Good evening, Sarah."

I gasped at the honey voice ringing in my ears. With a blink, I looked down to see I was standing right before a door. My door.

My eyelids fluttered, confusion circling my head like mini birds.


I whirled at the new voice and froze to see I was back in my room. And sitting at my bed with his legs crossed was Marcus. The boy was staring at me, his red eyes filled with puzzlement and slight amusement. "What? See a spider around there?" Marcus chuckled.

I blinked at him, my eye widening as my jaw fell in astonishment.

"Okay, how the hell would you know that?!" I asked, flabbergasted despite the current situation which was scaring and confusing my brain like one of Ms. Remmington's chemistry quizzes. (which I never did well in, by the way.)

Marcus continued to smirk at me while my eyes darted around for the creepy creatures.

I sighed, waving away the spider talk. "I was-"

I started, but closed my mouth, crossing my arms and staring unsurely at the air with frustrated and knit up brows. Getting impatient, the demon boy groaned as he rolled his eyes in an overly exaggerated manner. "Just say it."

With a twitch of my mouth, I told him what I thought was happening to me just a few seconds ago. Once I was finished with my story, Marcus nodded thoughtfully at me. Hopefully thinking my story was in fact an earlier event. A scary and nerve wrecking one at that. He put a finger under his chin and made an approving face, looking impressed as well.

"Hmm, seems that butler really is....well trained." Marcus said, a split second smile twitching on his lips before he groaned happily and carefully stretched back down onto my bed as if what was happening to me was such a normal situation.

I blinked at him, staring at him in astonishment since he didn't look a bit fazed by how I was almost busted by the scary ass butler. "So you mean....all that was real?" I asked incredulously.

Marcus nodded at me, looking bored with the conversation. "Of course it was. You haven't even left the room yet." He said, turning his head to me.

"Or would you rather think that you're actually going insane?"

I stared at him, dumbfounded that something like that was possible to do.

"Was it-"

"Hypnotism?" Marcus cut off, "No." he said, sitting up and pulling his legs down the bed so he was sitting and entirely facing me.

"You're one of those people who are easy to have their minds invaded." he started, for some reason making me feel annoyed all of a sudden. "And since that's the case, it really wasn't hard to make you think you were running through the mansion with Michaelis at your tail." He explained.

"But how is that possible? A normal human can't-'"

"I told you, he's a demon." Marcus said, his tone long and amplified at the word demon.

"He's not-" I stopped mid-sentence and blinked, thoughtfully recalling all the times Sebastian seemed to act real off. I started jutting off the moments the creepy butler lived up to his nickname Creepy Butt and weirded me out.

One would be his alarmingly pale skin, his ability to make things appear out of nowhere like that time in the circus and, not to mention yesterday when he suddenly appeared in the study where Lizzy and the other were before I could even scream and ask how he could've run so fast from the forest. And the fact that he could shake me with his annoying mind manipulation trick, finally confirmed everything Marcus was saying.

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