Chapter 13: The Strange Creep of The Basement

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After an entire day of Brutus galloping silently through the forest, we stopped at the edge to see a giant singular mansion, instead of having any neighbors or close buildings, it was standing alone in the wide grassland, glowing ominously under the now very bright moon.

At first I thought this was the wrong place and Brutus must've gotten confused by the thick forest, but as I looked up, I saw the familiar silhouette of Joker from a large and wide window on the third and topmost floor of the mansion. Even from down here, I could see Joker's pale face facing the window as he suddenly bowed his head. Squinting, I saw another form sitting before Joker.

Getting off the lion, I pushed Brutus behind the nearest and thickest tree, to hide ourselves form the two people.

Plus, I was still wearing my animal print costume. If no one saw me at this point, I'd definitely be surprised.

Still looking up at the two, Joker seemed to be talking, his mouth moving lightly and fast.

If my gut feeling was right, my sister could be in that house right now. Right then joker's smiling face flashed in my mind, making me flinch. I gritted my teeth, clenching my fist.

"For once, I hope I'm wrong." I muttered to myself as I motioned for Brutus to stay hidden in the bushes.

Gladly, he gave me a big yawn and instantly plopped to the grassy floor, immediately falling asleep with light snores.

I then ran towards the left, hiding myself in the forest and aiming to get in through a back door or a window.

"I need to get in there before Joker leaves."

If he ever sees Brutus, he'll immediately find out I followed him here.

After getting away from the window where Joker was, I swiftly ran forward, heading to the backside of the gigantic mansion.

With my eyes focused on looking everywhere but where I was going, I gasped with a small shriek as the grass disappeared under my feet and I fell from the small cliff, rolling down into a barren space. Freezing up and cocking my head upwards, I glanced around, looking to see if there was anyone coming to grab and sack me. Thankfully no one came out.

With a gulp, I got to my feet. Getting up, I saw, from the corner of my eye a small window peeping from the ground.

The basement window.

With a grit of my teeth, I moved towards the small window, hoping it was left unlocked. Getting to it, I grasped the small knob and with a hopeful breath, I pulled it up.

A slight creak whispered through the night as the small portal opened before me, revealing something floating and gleaming, reflecting the moonlight behind me.

With a slight glance around me, I put my feet in first, feeling the sudden warmth spreading through my leopard print pants.

Feeling my heart palpitating, the basement's darkness swallowed me as I jumped inside.

Ciel's POV:

I sighed heavily as Sebastian put my coat on. "Haa, first there's Elizabeth back in the mansion then there's Sarah." I sighed.

"Where did she go to anyway?!" I growled this time, shoving my golden ring unto my gloved finger as the vein popped in my head.

"I've no clue either, my lord." He said, looking up at me with the usual stoic face of his. "The last time I saw her was before I set off to find some clues." He added, handing me my hat.

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