Chapter 10: I'm a girl...With Mood Swings

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"Who said to go that far?!" Ciel angrily growled at Sebastian who was walking beside me, still looking pleased with himself as a rare cat-like smile spread on his face.

I stared at him with slight fear and amazement, wondering how people like him are actually possible.

"I'm sorry." Sebastian started, "After living for such a long time, I still cannot read a cat's fickle emotions." He said dreamily. At his butler's reply, the edge of Ciel's mouth twitched with annoyance.

"It obviously thinks you're a creep." I muttered lowly.

"Pardon?" Sebastian asked, his cat smile disappearing and turning back into that creepy practiced smile.

I shuddered in place as he leaned closer, smiling at me with closed eyes. Right when I was about to push Sebastian's creep face as far as possible from me, Ciel growled loudly, making us both look to him.

"What were you thinking, doing such unnecessary-ACHOO!" he sneezed, making me blink with surprise.

"Are you-" I started,

"I'M ALLERGIC TO CATS! WALK FURTHER BACK!" Ciel shouted with complete annoyance at his butler, his voice suddenly sounding nasal and blocked as his nose went red, making me giggle a bit at the sight. Ciel turned to me this time, glaring daggers.

"What?" he hissed. I gave him a simple Sebastian smile.

"Fufu." I laughed ominously, making him sweat drop before he clicked his tongue in annoyance and stomped away, his shoes sounding louder and equally annoyed along with his walking stick.

"But seriously." I started, turning to the butler this time who simply stared down at me, still looking quite happy.

"Because of your insanity, we have to stop looking for my-"

I gasped, coughing a bit and doubling over right after Ciel elbowed me right in the stomach, practically making me fall to my knees at the amazing sharpness of his bones. God, it was like being stabbed by a mini harpoon!


Right then,

"Sir." a voice called from behind us.

"Wait a sec! Hold on!" a familiar baritone voice called, making my body go tense as I tried to pull myself together, my stomach still shaking along with my entire body.

"Damn shorty, that really hurt." I inwardly hissed. On the other hand, Sebastian was doing his best to suppress his guffaws by puffing his cheeks while his master sweat dropped beside me, looking slightly sorry.

Turning, we all saw the red haired guy hurrying towards us through the small crowds.

"You in the tailcoat!" he shouted, making me look up at Sebastian who had his award winning smile ready.

Before I could tell him he looks like a total idiot, Joker caught us, looking rather troubled. As he stopped in front of us, I slightly hid behind Sebastian, eyeing Joker closely.

"I'm really sorry for earlier." he apologized, "I was surprised 'cause you suddenly got so close to that tiger..." Joker trailed off, still staring at Sebastian with amazement, probably because of the fact that the butler looked so happy after almost being killed by a tiger.

Sebastian laughed a carefree laugh. "No, please accept my own apologies."

I inwardly rolled my eyes. Realizing there was no small, blue haired kid glaring suspiciously at the circus performer, I looked around, seeing that Ciel had suddenly disappeared. I was about to tell Sebastian when I heard Joker hum, a thoughtfulness in his voice.

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