Chapter 38: The Slow Hand Of An Obscure Shadow

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Sarah's POV:

A gentle rumble of thunder woke me up. Right after, my ears started to comprehend the sound of rain falling hard outside, the sharp sound of water stabbing wildly at my room's window.

 Slowly, my eyelids started to pull themselves open as I tried desperately to pull my head up and see where I was. After a while, I was finally able to blink my eyes open and saw I was now in my room, the place quiet and depressing because of the grey air penetrating my small space of privacy from the window.

Looking outside, I felt a cold chill run down my arms as my eyes stared up at the clouds rolling over the darkened sky as the rain fell heavily down into the earth. Staring out the window, I froze completely, recalling what had happened before I lost consciousness.

Marcus lying under a tree, bleeding and wounded as Sebastian's eyes glowed a cruel red while he stared at me. Then Finny pulling a handkerchief over my face and me losing consciousness.

Seeing Marcus' mauled face in my head once again, I felt my eyes stinging.

My shoulders slumped down in utter hopelessness, an incredibly heavy weight falling onto my back with my head falling depressingly onto the bed as I gritted my teeth, letting out a sound that resembled that of a strained whimper.

Other than the fact that the steel box is nowhere to be seen again, Marcus is most probably dead right now.

Shaking, I pulled the blankets into my fists in absolute frustration, the red, bubbling feeling in my chest getting stronger by the second along with the stinging in my eyes.

"I shouldn't have left him alone." I growled to myself, gripping the soft blankets with such force, the sound of cloth ripping in my hands echoed into my ears. The thunder rumbled outside once again, this time it sounded like the booming laughter of a god.

With just the mere sound of that, the anger flared up in me like an angry blaze as my heart started drumming at my ribcage.

 After losing everything I ever cared about and failing to protect any of the loved ones I had left, the world has the nerve to laugh at me and make me feel even worse? What a joke my life is.

As I burrowed my head deeper into the bed, I can only hear a ringing sound. A sound filled with voices that simply started to drive me to the brink of insanity as I felt the vibrations of my whimpers coming up from my throat.

"You left him."

Something in me finally snapped and before I knew it, I was screaming so loudly, I felt my hair stand on end as my throat scarred itself.

"SARAH?!" I heard Ciel's voice call from somewhere.

Hearing his voice, I felt my blood go as hot as boiling water while my vision started to turn into a red darkness that resembled that of a familiar fire I recall seeing through a screen of rain.

From the doorway, I could feel someone coming closer towards my room but before they can come in and realize what was going on, I jumped out the bed, not knowing what had gone over me anymore and slammed through the door, the sound of wood cracking ripping through my ears as the force of my body completely destroyed it in the process before I came face to face with the one person I despised after all this time.

Sebastian stared up at me, wide eyed that I just destroyed a thick door.

Downstairs, I could see everyone else staring up at me in absolute shock. At the corner of my eye, I could see Ciel, his face struck with slight shock and fear as I jumped out the broken door.

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