Chapter 30: S In Sarah Is For Stupid.

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“Uhhh…” I uttered as Sebastian and Ciel slowly backed away from the creature, recalling just in time that the Phantomhive shouldn’t know we’re here

“Do we need to find your death god now that we have a bloody answer?” I asked in a hiss, already thinking about how we can help kill this thing. And also thinking why I ever agreed to come with this demon.

Ever since me and Marcus met, I’ve been running into too much bad luck. At around this time, I wouldn’t be surprised if I got eaten by a lion.

Now looking back at the deathly woman, I growled deeply in my throat, feeling my heart beating crazily like a bird’s wings.

Tch. no wonder the death gods are going nuts. Who wouldn’t be shocked by a walking corpse?

Other than that, my eyes wandered towards Sebastian and Ciel.

What are these guys doing here?” my consciousness asked, feeding my panic and uneasiness.

“The aurora society’s reviving of the dead may not be occult.” Ciel muttered, “I’d never think Lau’s story was true.” he scoffed. Hearing his words, I knit my brows. Reviving of the dead?

“God, that’s insane.” Marcus muttered next to me, reading my mind.

Back then, I thought once, how would it be to have your life given back to you after death?

Seeing this girl, I’d rather the dead stay safely in their coffins, please.

Right when I was contemplating on whether to drag Marcus away and get to the lifeboats for a quick getaway, the sounds of bullets flying in the air and the creature groaning made me jump in my skin and turn towards the sound.

“GYAAAAA!” the man screamed as the creature grabbed him, paralyzing him with fear before cutting his flesh with her teeth and almost making me lose my lunch.

It was one of the three men we first saw standing in the corner of the room, terrified. Seeing one of them being gobbled up, and the other falling to his bum and almost wetting himself, my eyes caught sight of the red haired man wearing a white lab coat as he ran out of the room, cursing the two men who failed to kill the creature.

A light bulb went up in my head. “Bingo.”

I’d like to say it’s none of my business why this Aurora society is reviving the dead but, it really is my business since I’m also in this ship which is now troubled by dead people so, I want some answers.

“Do we run after him?” I asked, turning to Marcus who was simply standing, watching the creature having a feast. As if it was so important to know the eating habits of the undead.

“Hey!” I called, slightly getting worried that the lab coat had totally disappeared. Right when I was about to run after him, Marcus violently pulled my arm back, making me gasp as I practically floated up the air by a few centimeters before completely falling on my back, landing on the floor behind Marcus.

“What’s the big-“

My words were stopped by the ear splitting sound of a machine’s buzzing along with the sounds of blood and flesh squelching.

Once I looked up, my entire body froze as I saw the creature’s head getting ripped apart by a lawnmower before the corpse went limp and fell to the floor with a loud and bloody PLOP!

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