Chapter 18: Relaxation, Realization.

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Sarah's POV:

After running into the mansion, shuddering and still whimpering from Sebastian's announcement of a centipede crawling on my feet back in the forest, I climbed upstairs, heading to where I can hear Lizzy and Prince Soma talking. With a deep sigh, I tiredly rubbed the back of my head.

"Hey, what's-"

Looking up, I jumped and froze like a statue at seeing Sebastian standing leisurely beside the fireplace. "What the hell?!" my head screamed, my jaw falling as I backed away in shock, stumbling over my feet and hitting the wall with my back, making Lizzy, the prince and Agni turn to me in slight surprise.

"How are you already here?!" I hissed in a whisper, careful not to wake the scary earl.

I swear I sprinted out the forest faster than a rabid cheetah and left this creepy bastard in the darkness where he most fit in.

The butler smiled ominously at me and simply turned away, pouring a cup of tea for Lizzy.

"Come, Sarah!" she called in a cheery whisper as she motioned for me to come closer. "Have some tea with us!"

I blinked at the scene before me, seeing the prince, Agni and even Sebastian smiling kindly and welcomingly at me while the fire gently crackled from the fireplace, giving warmth to the dark and slightly cold room all the while making me relax my frozen muscles.

"What rays of sunshine." I thought. Then I remembered Sebastian standing there in all his gloominess.

"Maybe not all of you are rays of sunshine."

"Okay." I smiled and went to sit next to the overly active blonde.

For a while, we talked about unimportant things while Soma and Lizzy bonded over a game of cards. Apparently their skills with the game were quite neutral. I on the other hand was a total loser. Even with my family, we never played card games.

All the games I've played ranged from hide and seek to spider tag. What is spider tag?

Well, Sophie would chase me around the house with the little terror. It was a horrible game. Need I say more?

Soon, the topic was driven to Ciel's schedule over the past few days which Lizzy was very worried of.

Prince Soma sighed heavily, scratching his head with slight frustration.

"He shouldn't have gone too hard on the case." He said. "Because of that, he came back to the house all sick and weak! He couldn't even get out of bed!"

Lizzy gasped, her emerald eye wide with shock and quick worry. "He was bedridden?!"

"Ciel, why didn't you tell me?!" she whimpered.

"Well," I started, sipping tea all the while. "The job was pretty hard." I muttered, recalling the tight rope walking. The edge of my brow twitched at the memory.

"The job was very important." Sebastian said, placing a cup of warm tea in front of Lizzy as he looked at her with sympathetic eyes. "There was no time for a break or postponement."

Lizzy sighed as she gingerly held the porcelain cup in her small hands. Her eyes turned soft and sad all of a sudden. And I was afraid she might burst out in tears. "No matter what, Ciel won't tell me anything." she said with a quiet and small voice, her hands carefully and gently floating down her lap. "What should I do?"

"Does he talk to you, Sarah?" she suddenly asked, taking me off guard and making me freeze in my seat.

I stared at her, feeling troubled the more she stared back helplessly at me. With an anxious hum, I put down my cup and sighed. Should I tell her about everything that happened once I met the Earl? If she knew about all that, she might just get a lot more depressed and worried about Ciel. And I for one who's a total idiot when it comes to relationships should most likely stay out causing trouble for them.

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