Chapter 31: A 'Friendly' Reunion

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"Well this turned out to be something unpleasant, young master." Sebastian said.

I wanted to clip him on the head.

"Ya think?" I thought, internally rolling my eyes at the butler.

"You think unpleasant covers it?!"Ciel exclaimed, glancing around at the now quiet bodies lying around us. "Imagine...ten times this?!"

I could. And it's not a pretty thought.

Right now, the people here are literally sitting ducks in the middle of a cold ocean.

 Hundreds of people in this ship plus dead ones that eat the live ones? It all reminded me of the Roman coliseum where the Christians were thrown defenselessly into the jaws of lions.

"So, basically...this ship is infested with them at this time." Stoker said, his head falling a bit in seeming despair.

Ciel took a deep breath to calm himself then pulled his head up.

"Sebastian, go ahead and take my aunt and the others to a safe place. We'd just be a burden, I also have a gun so we'll be safe for a while. Make sure to come back as soon as they're safe!" Ciel said as Sebastian hurried off, nodding to his master.

As soon as Sebastian was gone, Ciel turned to Stoker who was now in the grip of a very big and long python.

"Now, how do we deal with them?" Ciel asked, his gun clicking in the bullet and placing it to Stoker's temple. "There's no way you'd decide to transport something so dangerous without any kind of insurance."

I nodded. Every bomb has an off button.

"Isn't there anyway other than smashing their heads?" Ciel asked. To answer that question, Stoker mentioned something about a device giving off supersonic waves, specifically turning these things 'off'.

They were about to head to first class when Marcus suddenly grabbed me by the arm and we rushed up the stairs in a flash that not even Sebastian could've noticed.

Once we got out and back into the dark staircases, I almost puked. Marcus went too fast. Imagine running and running then falling off a cliff and stopping in the middle of that fall. Yeah, it felt like that.

I groaned, pulling my head up and trying to keep my lunch in my stomach.

Right when I looked up at Marcus, I blinked.

His teacher glamour was gone. Now he was back to annoying, pale faced 17 year old looking guy with messy, black hair. Adding to that he was wearing his long, black trench coat again above a black dress shirt tucked into his black pants.

Other than that, he looked exhausted, beads of sweat trickling down his chin.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked as I held my hand out and felt my head go heavy as I leaned towards Marcus, my long, black hair brushed against my hand.

Now I was back to normal too. And for some reason I was wearing my black dress and flats.

"Sorry," he panted, "keeping up a glamour for a long time is...not easy." he finished, leaning on the wall behind him and slowly sliding down before completely sitting on the floor.

For a moment, I let him catch his breath then I looked up, seeing how much stairs we'd have to run up in order to reach the captain.

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