Chapter 1: Unrelated Blood

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"Sarah!" Sophie's high, childish voice called through the thick forests' foliage.

I kept a straight face, feeling the trickle of cold sweat drip down my temple. Crawling under the bushes, I prayed no one would find me in such a state. Especially the ball of insanity that's still shrieking my name like a scorned lover.

I inwardly sighed, feeling exhausted. Oh, if mother or anyone else saw me like this, I'm positive I'll be getting another lesson about manners. Pausing, I rolled my eyes at the thought then continued to struggle through the twigs and annoying leaves that made their way into my skirt. I was moving for stealth and it was probably working but this was ridiculous.

A moment later, I stopped moving. The strange silence that suddenly surrounded me was unnerving.

'It's gotten really quiet.'

She must've found me.

At the thought that Sophie would be sitting idly behind me with a grin on her face, I felt my face instant turn pasty white in fear.

Right at that moment, the sound of shoes rushing through the grass close to where I was hiding grew louder. I completely ceased all movement and tried to squint through the bushes all the while trying my best finding any bugs that could jump at my face.

After a few seconds of squinting through bush leaves, I spotted a pair of stubby legs wrapped in amusing red and white stripes that simply reminded me too much of Christmas. It couldn't be helped, my little sister loves those tights.

She wasn't moving. Probably, she was scanning the horizon for my presence. And I hoped, I hoped to God that she wouldn't find me. As if teasing me, my anxiety instantly let the feeling of rocks toppling over my shoulders numb my body before my veins grew cold.

I wouldn't be feeling all this if my sister wasn't so mean and insane. I was the eldest but here I was rummaging through leaves like a barbarian because she's been wanting to play.

It doesn't sound so bad. But she wants to find tarantulas and play with them. For some reason I will never understand, she loves spiders. Just as much as I hate them. Others would probably laugh at my behavior and inability to control the younger one, but she was impossible to control.

I heard Sophie hum, sounding thoughtful and I felt my sweat dripping over my forehead. I could almost see the spidery and creepy crawly future that would come true when she finds me.

Right then,

"SARAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Sophie screamed, taking on a high note that she'd recently been mastering with her music tutor.

At the demonic scream, I shuddered, my hair standing on end and my jaw snapping open with shock. It was like a whale giving birth to another adult whale! It was like Thor wrestling Zeus! This whole situation is like seeing a bloody murder and fainting ridiculously right on the spot!

And as expected, when I was thankfully able to resist screaming back at her for destroying my eardrums, Sophie started her little tantrum. The kid harrumphed and angrily stomped her foot to the ground. I glanced further up, my lashes stirring the leaf over my eyes.

She was pouting, her baby doll eyes already lined with childish tears. I rolled my eyes. Typical of her. After a sniffle, she started crying. Loudly, like the infant she was and ran back towards the mansion yelling: "Sarah's a stupid girl!"

The annoyance bubbling in my head, I felt the edge of my mouth twitch. Sometimes she can get a little extremely annoying.

"Crazy brat." I muttered.

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