Chapter 6: Welcome to Phantomhive Manor! *BANG*

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"Please....I need your and Ciel's help." I panted heavily, not caring if my arms felt like they're about to fall off after running nearly 10 kilometers through the harsh rain from our mansion to this gigantic manor. Even though I'm only seeing the front side right now, I know this probably 2 times bigger than our own manor.

I stared at Sebastian's (annoying) smiling face, wondering if he would actually let me in.

Last time we saw each other, I didn't even know why they helped me. Until now, I still don't know. I also shouted at him and his master to never come near me again. Heck, I even cussed at them. My status is nothing compared to—no, I don't have a status at all. There is no comparison.

And yet, here I am, soaking wet from my head to the soles of my shoes, begging the very people I insulted to help me.

And this exact situation is a very good example of why I said I embarrass myself too much. "It's because you're a dumbass." My consciousness echoed in my brain.

Despite me beating myself up, I continued looking up at the tall butler, who now discarded his black tailcoat. Now he was just wearing his white dress shirt and vest with the shirt's sleeves rolled up, showing his muscular arm while I smelled the scent of freshly cooked fish in the air, beckoning me to just push him aside and come in.

"Focus, Sarah."

Right, my sister's sick. I need help. I don't like these people. No fish.

I stared at Sebastian, trying to look as pitiful as I can by taking away my annoyed and tired face and replacing it with worried and scared eyes, hoping he has some heart in him to let me in.

Right then, he tilted his head to the side a bit, smiling a close eyed smile as he did.

For a second, I swear I felt the goose bumps rising on my skin. I could practically see that evil black aura slithering about him.

What he did after confirmed my thoughts of him being an evil, black bastard tree.

"I'm sorry, wrong house." he cooed, shutting the door at my face with a loud BANG!

The rain pouring wildly behind me suddenly sounded louder to my ears, roaring like a waterfall as I felt my face get red hot with anger while my body shook uncontrollably and a gigantic vein popped in my head, ready to burst.

I can't believe this. People like them actually exist. Bastards. Annoying black tree. And a horrible pirate that didn't even come out.

"Stupid tree." I growled under my breath.

With another feral growl, I pulled my suitcase up to my head, ready to bang the door with it and use the case as a knocker. Before I could pour my anger out on the closed door, I stopped mid-throw.

"Gah!" I yelped as the suitcase fell to the stone floor in front of me, almost making me let go of Sophie who was still panting heavily and getting warmer by the minute.

As the heat on Sophie's heat spread on my hand, a brilliant and very fun plan pinged in my head, making me gasp and chuckle with delight. "Heh." I scoffed and quickly took my suitcase then covered up Sophie and ran into the rain again, heading to the backdoor.

After a few minutes, I can now say I have taken a dip in the pool. But luckily, I've found the small backdoor that probably led to the basement since it had a small flight of stairs leading downwards to a small steel door.

I did think I wouldn't be able to get in anyway but I still have a plan. Also, I'd like to say that what I'm doing isn't trespassing. The term- unknowingly invited is much more refined.

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