Chapter 2: A Wild Ride into Meeting A Pirate

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Someone was shaking me awake. I groaned at whoever it was, ignoring the feeling of my arm numbing as I let it swing over the edge of the couch. With my hat covering my face, I couldn't see who was bothering me at such a wonderful time but then, my head vibrated like a bell as something hard kicked the top of my head.

"HEY!" I growled as I simultaneously sat up and head butted Beth with my own forehead, making both of us groan and wobble. Sophie must've been kicking me in her sleep again...

"Ah, Beth?" I muttered dreamily, getting the crust out of my eyes. Right then, I froze at the warm feeling emanating from the sun coming in from the window. I blinked in the middle of processing my thoughts and before I could ask or even panic, Beth threw a thick, pink dress at me, making me fall off the couch and land on my face.

"It's already 12 noon, Sarah!" Beth exclaimed in a horrified whisper.

"Madam Remmington is coming any minute!"

With the name echoing in my head, my body tensed as I sped out of the living area like a crazy mouse and headed to my room, wearing only socks and looking 'entirely ghastly' as Miss Remmington would say.

I can already see those strict eyes shooting lasers at me again and again while throwing angry sermons my way.

Miss Remmington was the tutor mother and father hired to teach me school stuff. Back then, I was horribly anxious whenever I spoke in front of the class and one school day, I ended up feeling so worried, frightened and nervous that I ended up fainting in front of all the London school kids.

"Ah, that was horrible." I muttered out loud as I made my way over the bridge leading towards my room. Right then, I gasped when my toe tripped over a high crease in the carpet, making me fall to my face again with a loud THUD!

I have no time for this! If Miss Remmington sees me in this sorry state, she'll kill me!

I think I've made this quite clear. Miss Remmington is not a nice woman. Well, not to me. She's practically Hitler's mother returned from the unholy grave.

"Ack! Sarah!" Beth gasped as she rushed to me.


A low, slightly rough and creaky voice echoed from below.

I froze in place and like an old door, I hesitantly turned my head to the voice.

Standing before the main double doors of the mansion was a woman with dark red hair held down diligently by a single thick braid. She also had cold, hard light brown eyes that seemed to be a lot scarier thanks to the round glasses resting on her pointed nose.

Today she was wearing a black dress with laces surrounding her slim and long neck, with its skirt blooming out like bell over her unexposed legs.

People, mostly men think she's really sweet and kind and pretty, she was all that actually. But not really to me. Whenever she comes to tutor me during Mondays to Fridays, she would always be so strict and scary. Even father and mother know that. But they still wanted her as my teacher.

True, she was good in teaching. I can say I have a wide vocabulary, but I'm still not good enough at talking to others without stuttering, thanks to her, I always win at chess against dad and Albert, and the other servants in this house. She's taught me a lot and has been with me for twelve years.

But she still can make the hair on my arms stand on end. And seeing her face just made me shudder to my bones.

She looked up at me with a very disappointed look and sighed loudly, the sound like that of an angry rhino that made one of the maids in waiting whimper and jump at the sound.

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