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Louis' POV

"Morning fluff-ball" Louis tried to pet the black and white cat but again - as yesterday evening - she fled.
"Her name's still Dotty, Louis" Anne smiled at him from the kitchen. "Good morning, dear"
"It's fluff-ball for me" He smiled back at her and joined them in the kitchen. Harry was nowhere to be seen. Where was he? A bad feeling made its way into his stomach, like a knot he wasn't able to untie. "Where...uhm..is Harry?"
"Don't worry, sleeping beauty. Your Prince just went out for a walk with his delighted sister" Daisy teased and Louis caught her. He picked her up and didn't let go of her as she laughed.
"You're pretty mean for a girl your age little one"
"I'm sixteen! Let go of me, idiot!" She giggled and he let go of her after squeezing her tightly.
"I love you too" He grinned and chuckled as she rolled her eyes.

"You want a cookie, dear?" Anne smiled at him and pointed at a plate that was full of chocolate cookies. Their smell filled the entire room.
"I'd love to, Anne. Thank you" Louis took one and ate it. "Mhm! Anne!" He swallowed.
"I definitely know where Harry got his baking talent from" 
Anne smiled happily. "Oh no he's way better than I am. And Harry's got more fun"
That was true. Secretly Louis knew that Harry was better at baking than Anne. But he'd never tell her that. Or him. When it came to baking or cooking, Harry was unbeatable. No one was more talented and passionate about it. It was one of the things Louis loved about him. He could watch him baking or cooking for hours.

"What's with me?" Louis turned around to see Harry standing next to Gemma at the kitchen door. 
"I was just saying that you're way more talented at baking than I am" Anne explained and Harry rolled his eyes.
"That's not true, mum. You're as good as I am. Even better"
Anne shook her head but just kept smiling.
"There you are. Sleeping beauty missed his prince" Phoebe giggled and Louis sighed.
"You are unbelievable"
She stuck out her tongue and took a cookie. He rolled his eyes.
"Don't eat too much, I'll start cooking dinner soon"
"Mom, I can do that" Harry intervened and Anne looked at him.
"You don't need to, sweetheart-" "I know. But I want to"

His mother just smiled at the curlyhead and nodded. "Maybe Louis wants to help you?"
"Oh, I'm not very helpful.."
"It's going to be fun" Harry looked at him and gave him a smile. Louis smiled back at him knowing that he didn't mean his smile. Again it wasn't a real smile. It was a role. And if Louis hadn't known that it wasn't real he would have believed him. But it was a act after all.

"Fine, I'll help you"
"Great. And y'all leave" Harry looked at the others and gave them a sign to leave. Anne smiled and Lottie and her left the room. Louis could hear them talking about Scrabble.
"I said get out of my kitchen! All of you!" Harry teased and the twins left giggling. Only Gemma was staying.
"I'm going to help as well" There was an undertone in her voice as she looked at Louis with a certain look on her face before she grabbed a cutting board and a knife. She knew, didn't she? Harry had told her?
"No, Gem. You can leave. We'll do this"
"Are you sure?" She wouldn't let her eyes off of Louis. He knew that she knew everything by the looks that she gave him. Well, she knew Harry's side of the story. Louis bit his bottom lip.
"I'm sure, thank you" Without another word the woman harshly placed the knife on the board and left. Not without giving Louis another warning look.

"She knows?" He looked at the curlyhead and he nodded.
"Yeah. Could you chop the onions for the Ratatouille? I'll start with the aubergine" As if it was the most casual thing to say he grabbed another cutting board and placed it in front of Louis.
"Ratatouille?" He looked at him in suprise. Didn't he remember?
"Yeah. You like it, don't you?" Harry didn't look at him. He did everything but look him in the eyes.
"Yeah.." Without another word they started cutting and chopping.


"You like that? Ratatouille?" Harry looked at him and Louis nodded.
"Sure" He smiled to himself and started grinning as Harry kissed his cheek.
"Well then start cutting, darling" The man opened the fridge after giving the onions to him and took out some vegetables. He walked over to his cutting board, laid them down and walked back to close the fridge. On his way back he slightly touched Louis' bum. The man coughed and looked at him. "Did you do this on purpose?"
"I don't know what you mean"

Innocently Harry started cutting the peppers. Carefully Louis placed the knife on the board. He walked over and put his arms around Harry's waist, his chin on his shoulder and whispered "You didn't do anything?"
Quickly Harry shook his head. Louis could feel him tensing while he kissed his neck. "Well if you say so" He forced the boy to turn around and kissed him. His hand moved upwards, stroking over Harry's stomach until it finally found its way in his curls. As they kissed, Louis pressed his body against Harry's leading to a moan leaving the boy's mouth. Louis grinned as Harry pulled away.

"Louis Tomlinson! Stop it right now.. We need to get this done. Danielle and Liam are coming over in just about 40 minutes! Move your ass"
"Oh I can move my ass, Harold" Louis smirked.
"Stop it, right now!" Harry rolled his eyes and turned back around but Louis could see his grin as well.
"C'mon.. One kiss?"
"Just one" Within seconds his lips laid on Louis'. He could literally feel him grinning.

End of Flashback

Sudden pain interrupted Louis' thoughts. A little scream left his mouth and he looked on his hand. He had cut himself with the knife. His finger was bleeding like hell.
"Louis what the hell did you do?!" Harry quickly grabbed a kitchen towel and pressed it on Louis' finger.
"I'm sorry..- ah shit, it hurts. I didn't pay attention.."
"I can see that.."
The man opened up a cupboard and took out a little box with bandages. He took one out and put away the towel before placing a disinfected little fabric on the wound. Louis flinched and Harry looked at him, concern in his eyes. "You alright?"
"Yeah.. Thank you.."
The curlyhead nodded and started to put the bandage around the fabric. When he had finished, he pointed at a chair. "Sit down, I'm going to do the cutting"

"No, no, I can do that-" Louis stopped when he saw Harry's warning look. "Fine, I'll sit down and watch" He went over to the chair and sat down, his eyes following Harry as he made his way back to the board.
Within a few minutes he had cut and chopped all vegetables. Louis knew that he had just been holding him back. He hid his smile by resting his head on his hand as he watched him preparing the food. Harry bit his bottom lip as he cooked. It was one of those habits he had Louis knew. And it always made him furious. There was nothing he wanted more than to stand up and kiss him right away.

"Oh my goodness, this was amazing. You boys have outdone yourselves!" Anne leaned back and exhaled.
"Actually Harry did all the work. I just managed to cut my finger" Louis laughed and Gemma smiled sarcastically.
"Did you cut it yourself or did Harry cut you?"
"Oh I did it myself. He would never do that" Louis smiled at her and wanted to die on the spot. He hated what he had done. He hated being here, he hated to play all of this. But most of all he hated that he had hurt Harry. Louis knew that there wouldn't be a way he would survive this without telling Harry the truth. He didn't know how he would react but he knew he had to tell him. He had promised Zayn that he would.

"You did enough, boys. We're going to clean up this mess and you head upstairs. You wanna watch a movie later?"
"Sure, sounds great mom" Harry turned to Louis who nodded as well.
"Sure- but not one of those sappy movies?"
"Let's watch a sappy one" Gemma teased and all of the other girls agreed. Anne laughed.
"You shouldn't have said that, Louis"
"I know.. I know" He shrugged smilingly and followed Harry upstairs.

When he closed the door behind, he looked at Harry who turned around to look at him as well.
"I'm just.. going to read a book. You can watch TV or do whatever you like?"
The man mumbled and Louis just nodded as he sat down on his side of the bed. He took one of the books as well and opened it but instead of reading his eyes were focused on Harry the whole time. He tried to focus on the book but would always look at Harry after reading the same sentence over and over again. Louis didn't know if Harry noticed but he just couldn't stop at this point. His head was full of desperation and overthinking. He knew that there was no way to end this but talking to his sisters first. He couldn't tell Harry without telling them first. But what was he supposed to say? 'Hi, girls. Just a question: Would you want me to break up with Harry so your future is secure?' He couldn't talk to them, he couldn't let them think it was their fault. So he just had to survive those few days without breaking down. Happy early birthday, Tomlinson.

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