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☠︎︎☠︎︎☠︎︎(TW: Mentions of murder/blood/gore)

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(TW: Mentions of murder/blood/gore)

You step back from the semi cut up Enzo. Him asking you to cut through the top layer of his clothes, that weren't covered by armor. Then Enzo firing shots in random directions and you landing a good few punches, him doing the same.

"This seems like a pretty dramatic coverup for some dudes who were just sobbing."

Enzo kicks you in your calf "Shut it, I was not 'sobbing'. Now get out of here," He glances out of the ally "Before they start getting impatient."

"You sure you'll be fine?"

Enzo turns towards you and flashes a smile "Don't worry about me, i'll be A-okay."

You walk towards Enzo and give him a hug, "Be good Enzo, we'll find each other soon. I'm sure of it." You pat Enzo's head and give him a soft smile as your gear shoots out to latch onto the wall towards the end of the ally way, "Stay safe kid, love ya."

And then you're gone, off into the sky and into the path of the other gunmen. You do your best to get rid of them naturally but they stay on your ass this time.

"Tch," You pull up and land on a roof, the gunman quickly follow, One in front meaning the others are behind you. Acting quickly you avoid the bullets and, using your gear, manage to maneuver behind the one formerly in front of you and easily slit his throat.

You pay no mind to the blood that splatters along your body and use the first gunman as a human shield for the other two's bullets. Getting close enough you throw the first gunman's body at one of the other two, while one was busy you made a human kebab by skewering him with your sword, quickly pulling out and letting the blood rush out of their body.

You turn to the second one, them on the floor and still struggling to get the first man off of them, you step on their exposed arm with the gun and shove your sword through their skull. You turn and try to find the cart once more, instead finding your other comrades from the 104th.

Unbeknownst to you they had just seen you and Levi take out multiple people in cold blood. (All though in your case it's pretty obvious you have blood spattered all over you). You glance at the two swords in your hands These are going to be a bitch to clean.

You all manage to meet up with Levi, him instructing you all to continue chasing the cart.

"Listen up! These soldiers were trained to fight other people. They've already taken out three of ours. If you hesitate for so much as a second, you'll be dead. The moment you see an opening, go for the kill."

A smirk comes over your face, your mood surprisingly (for the other cadets) cheery "Understood~"

"Yes, sir." Mikasa agrees as well.

Levi uses one of the hooks from the maneuver gear to take care of one guarding the cart, all that was left was the one guiding the horses.

"Armin! Secure the wagon with Jean! The three of us will keep you two covered!"

"Uh--sir!" (Armin)

"He killed them..." Jean seems to be in dumb shock

"Come on!" (Armin)

The girl guarding the cart turns around and aims her gun at Jean and Armin but Mikasa swoops down and kicks her off balance. After that you face forward as more gun shots are heard.

Mikasa yells out Jeans name and you turn your attention away from another one of the, now dead, gunman and face the cart. Blood sprays upward but you let out a breath of relief once you realize instead of it being Jean laying dead in the cart it was the girl driving it. You let out a relived sigh seeing it was Armin who fired.

You look back quickly as you and Levi trail the cart. You curse as you see three on your tail. "Damnit, Captain!" Levi glances at you and you gesture towards the three behind you and Levi. The three are way too close for you to try and take out, plus the cart is closing in on a gate like tunnel that you Levi and Mikasa wouldn't be able to maneuver in and the three have their guns aimed and loaded. And that's without the issue of your gas.

"Shit! Armin! Jean!" Levi yells and you and Levi move in. Levi snatching up Armin and you grabbing a still stunned Jean. The three land in the cart just before it disappears into the tunnel two more following after.

Mikasa tries to rush after them but Levi stops her. "Let 'em go. We're running on fumes."

"No!" As Mikasa fights with Levi you gently place down Jean and walk towards a shell shocked Armin. You crouch next to Armin. Him kneeling forward on his knees as he stares at his hands with wide watering eyes.

You place a hand on his shoulder and he flinches before turning to you, tears starting to spill over, "...Y/N..."

Your grip tightens just a little "I know this isn't what you want to hear but once you get over the shock of this it may help later. You did real good with that lady in the cart Armin. Had you not done that Jean might be dead now and possibly others as well. I'm--" You remove your hand and place it on his head, ruffling it a little. "I'm proud of you." You whisper, just loud enough for Armin to hear it.

Armin stares at you in mild disbelief "But i-"

You place your other hand on his nape and gently guide it towards your shoulder, a gesture you would use to comfort both Enzo and the twins. Internally you were cursing yourself for slipping back into the elder brother role so easily. If you get too attached and then they get hurt or worse-- killed. Then what would you do? You'd hate to go through that yet another time. A sniffle comes from your shoulder and you realize Armin is crying.

"I know." You a run a hand through his hair and with the other you rub soothing circles across his back "I know."

Not too much later after Armin is a little more stable and Mikasa stopped yelling after Ereh. She takes Armin away and the two of them go talk somewhere else.

As they do you stare at the ground in disbelief Fuck, I did it again. You look at Armin's back and then Sasha Connie and Jean talking not too far away, Levi by himself brooding, and even Mikasa as she walks with Armin. I got attached.

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