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☠︎︎☠︎︎☠︎︎(TW: Mentions of murder/blood and torture)

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(TW: Mentions of murder/blood and torture)

The door slams open and both Hange and Moblit step in.

"I made it!" Hange exclaims, them looking around frantically. "You haven't' finished yet, have you?"

You and Levi turn towards her. You with your clothes from earlier on with blood spatter across your left cheek, both fresh and old, as well as across your torso and left arm. Levi with a smock and gloves on, however he has no blood on him.

"No, we haven't even gotten our feet wet."

"Sannes! I'm only a novice at human torture, but while I lack experience I plan to give this job my all." Hange says as they march over and pick up one of your knifes that Levi (finally) gave back to you.

"Hold on! At least tell me what you want! Who the hell tortures' someone without asking questions?!"

Levi turns to you, him only having just come down while you on the other hand had been the one to start. "Y/N."

"Ah," You let out a little laugh, "My bad. I haven't done this in a while so I must have been do excited I completely forgot about the question part. But!" You turn to Sannes with a grin "We do have questions~" You look at Levi with an innocent smile, however the innocent look was quickly ruined by the multiple blood splatters around your body, "I just don't know what they are yet."

"Where were Eren and Historia taken?" Levi questions, him not bothering to toy around with the MP. "What do you want with Historia, and what is the Reiss family?"

"Come on!" Hange jumps in them now holding dental forceps as they gesture wildly "Can't you see that we're in a time crunch here?" And now they start, you instructing them on how to do it and Levi adding in a few things here and there.

Your gaze drops to Sannes white knuckled grip on the chair he was tied to. "Hey Hange~" You purr, pulling the captain's attention away from Sannes' teeth and to you.


"Don't you think Sannes hands nice?" You reach down and grab one running your finger over the knuckles before going up to stop at his nails. "But I think his nails are my favorite part." You look up from Sannes hands and stare into Hange's eyes, a shit eating grin on your face "Let's take 'em off!"

Sannes screams as Hange went to work really was music to your ears.

As Hange rips out Sannes last nail they speak up, "Sorry. I don' have your knack for peeling nails. Just how may did you have to rip off to get so good at it?"

"More than I could keep track of. Within these cramped, squalid walls, war has never broken out and I can tell you why. It's because of the first interior squad dirtied our hands to protect the king's peace! A teacher too smart for his own good. A stupid couple who tried to fly. A whore who screwed the wrong man! No matter how they'd beg or plead, we erased them to protect humanity! You should be on your knees thanking me! In all my years, I've never seen anyone take such pleasure from human suffering as you! You three are monsters!" You grin at Sannes words, a monster was certainly not the worse you'd been called by an MP. In fact it was one of the more tame of the insults they'd thrusted at you all of your life.

"-But i'm determined to face you without fear. Do what you will. For i- i have my faith. And I believe in the king and in peace within these walls. I believe that every last one of my wretched deeds was justified, but..." Sannes looks down as more tears begin to gather in his eyes "To think that it hurt this much... if you're going to torture me then get on with it. That sounds like a fitting end for this blood-stained life." Sannes bows his head, almost as if he's accepted his fate. In all honesty, he probably has.

Levi regards Sannes pathetic figure for a second "Time for a break." He announces before turning to leave the cellar.

You stare at Sannes for a few seconds after Hange Moblit and Levi had left the cellar. "You're pathetic Sannes." You press a finger into a small hole where you'd carved your initials into his thigh. "A real disappointment." In response Sannes let's out a pained scream as his leg thrashes around.

"Y/N." Levi appears in the door way, "I said take a break."

You take a knife before stabbing it downwards into Sannes arm with as much force as you can. You ignore the pained scream Sannes makes "Yes sir."

You make sure to leave the door open a crack, you all were moving to plan B. Use Sannes other companion to your advantage.


"Quit shovin' me. It hurts." Ralph, the other MP, reads off.

Levi grasp him from the back as he manhandles Ralph to go the direction you all desire him to. "How pathetic can you get? Can't believe you started talking after just one nail."

"Yeah," You complain, "I didn't even get to have any fun. I was looking forward to torturing more than one MP today. Sannes doesn't have any nails left but here you are," You let out a mocking laugh "Done for after one. What a real tough guy~"

"Like I care. He can get tortured all he wants. The man never shut sup about peace and the king. The rest of us all hate his damn guts, just do us a favor and kill him already." Ralph says.

"We're gonna have to keep him around until he's verified what you've told us." Levi recites.

Hange points at another line and Ralph reads off the sheet once more "Yeah? Well, you got everything you wanted out of me, so why don't you lay off already? Oh and about my cell. It'll have a bed, right?"

After locking Ralph away you all head back down to Sannes cellar. You slam open the cellar door "Oh Sannes~! Are ya ready?"

"We're gonna try this again, alright?" Hange takes over for you "This isn't easy for me either but i'll be the the best torturer I can--"

"Reiss is the true royal family."

You make a deadpan face, Are you serious?? I didn't even get to torture him this time.


Three hooded figures emerge out of the shadows. One separated from the other two but behind another male who was in the light.

The one further away from the two grabs hold of the one that the light of the moon. One hand over his mouth and the other revealing a knife to his throat.

The one from the shadows is revealed to be Kenny Ackerman.

"Ya know, the one thing a merchant should never sell out of is trust," Kenny says to the man in the light, Dimo Reeves, just before slitting his throat. As Reeves chokes on his own blood Kenny keeps a hand over his mouth, not letting any loud sound escape. Once his pupils expand and Reeves goes limp Kenny lets his lifeless body drop to the ground.

The two from the other side of the street emerge revealing Enzo and Caven.

"Was it wise to do that without asking where Levi is?" Caven questions, her casting a glance towards Enzo then to kenny "Or y/n?"

Kenny distractedly cleans his now bloodied dagger "The two of 'em will show up no matter what we do."

"How do you know that?"

"Cause i raised him. And Y/N raised," Kenny gestures towards Enzo "Him. That's how. Levi Ackerman's not one to give up the chase and y/n isn't one to leave those he cares about behind. Isn't that right Enzo?"

The green eyed boy flinches but nods anyways. Besides, it wasn't like Kenny was wrong. Enzo cast a glance towards the dead body of Reeves then towards the back of Kenny, Caven not too far behind. Enzo follows.


it's the next chapter 😃

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