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A figure is soon in sight next to you all and at first you think it's Captain Levi but soon enough it's apparent that this figure is not Levi. Gunther realizes it too.

"Captain Levi?" Gunther regards the figure and quickly realizes his mistake "Wait, that-- That's not-- Oh shit!" The figure moved quick, too quick and Gunther is soon hanging from a tree by one of the wires on his ODM gear. It's apparent that he is dead.

"Gunther! You okay? What happened?" Eren maneuvers down by Gunther to assess the damage. You move too, hopefully you can get Eren to move, you're out in the open and that's far too dangerous right now.

"Eren, we have to move," You eye Gunther's body before nudging the wide eyed boy next to you. "Oluo!" You call out to the nearby male seeing Eren's stunned state.

"I know!" Oluo snatches Eren by his jacket and pushes him forward.

You reach forward and close Gunther's eyes, it's all you can do for him now. "I'm so sorry." Turning around you continue forward on your ODM gear, if you didn't you may have ended up like Gunther.

It doesn't take you too long to catch up with the others them having panicked screaming about who the person was. Oluo questioned Eld as to what the plan was. The blond yelling there was no time to get the horses. You all had to make for HQ at full speed.

Hearing gas you all turn to see the unknown figure maneuver to the right, still behind you all though. "Is that the female titan? Or did she have an accomplice?"

"No," You grit out glaring at where the figure disappeared. "That's the bitch."

"Damn! Whoever it is, they're gonna pay! Even if it's the last thing I do!" Petra growls out.

The female titan suddenly disappears and you curse, "Where'd she go?!"

A flash of lightning and now you all know without a doubt that it's her when the titan figure appears. "Shit! She's coming for us!" Eld yells out.

Eren turns to face the female titan, his eyes clouding with anger. "Damn you! I'll kill you! I swear I will!" Once again Eren's hand is creeping up to his mouth.

"No! Don't!" Eren pauses hearing Eld "We've got this! The three of us can handle her!" Eld turns to face you "You get him back to base, now!"

You nod "Yeah!" You move closer to Eren "Come on."

"No! I can fight her too!" Eren insist.

"Just go! This is our best course of action! We can not afford to put you at risk!" Eld yells.

"Have you learned nothing? Hell, even Y/N is listening to us and he was ready to kill us not too long ago! After all this you still doubt our skills?"

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