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You quickly latch onto a familiar building before landing, a tan coat (very well hidden by yours truly) being slung over your shoulders to conceal both the stolen goods and the ODM gear that you were using, before heading back into the streets and to your house.

You duck your head to avoid being spotted by the military police man coming your way, way too obvious by his ugly scrunched face and the stupid unicorn stuck to his jacket. You 'accidentally' bump into the man muttering an excuse me, gentle hands delving into his pockets, relieving a wallet from his possession and hurrying on. All of it happening in the span of maybe two seconds.

After that you pick up the pace, hurrying to your home.

Once you make it to the plain looking building, in much like the rest of the underground, a rundown area of the town. You enter your home with a sigh and in your motion to light a match, you freeze.

You know there is nothing that should be glinting silver out. All of your goodies are hidden, and every knife you own, other than the one on you right now, is hidden in your bed room further down the hall that always has the door closed.

Someone is here...

Not letting them know you know they're there is key. Just move around the house naturally, go to my room and close and lock the door. I don't know how many people are there but once I get my knifes I can take them out.

Your whole plan is thrown out of the window when a chair scraping causes you to freeze, a scraping sound being heard then fire appearing before a candle placed in the middle of your table is lit, shining light into the dim space.

"Y/N L/N," You look over to see it's a blond man with an undercut with dark blue eyes. Behind him to his right is another blond man with both a beard and mustache who has an annoyed expression and behind Mr.Eyebrows to his left is a black haired male with an undercut who looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. Mr.Eyebrows gestures to the seat in front of him "Please sit."

You eye the swords on the two behind the sitting blond before nodding. Even if I could manage to make it to my room, it's not like I could fight against those damn swords. Besides, your eyes drift to the wings on the sitting males patch, these are members of the survey corps.

Once you sit down the bushy eyebrowed male gives you a small smile "My name is Erwin smith, this is Miche Zacharius and Levi Ackerman." He introduces the one on the right then the left.

You cross your arms, slumping into your chair. "So what'd I do to make you interested in coming to get me? I haven't done a thing to any of your shoulders."

"I happened to overhear something about you and your ways with the ODM gear that piqued my interest. I want you to join the survey corpse."

You scoff "The group with the highest mortality rate? Look man, the underground is totally a shitty place but at least i'm alive."

"I don't think I made my self clear." Erwin's smile drops and his serious look is put back on his face "If you don't cooperate I'm afraid we'll have no choice but to hand you over to the military police and let them execute you."

You push yourself upwards in your chair "The MP's are going to what?"

"With the Military police you have a guaranteed death, but with the survey corpse death is only a maybe." Erwin stretches out his hand for a handshake "Do we have a deal?"

You eye his hand before sighing and reaching for it. "You have a deal."

The deal is confirmed with a shake and Erwin stands up. "Alright then. Pack your things, we need to get you to training."


"Yes, with the 104th cadet core, we're not just going to set you outside the walls just yet."

Lowkey feel like I should've made MC from Shiganshina but... idk

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