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⚠︎︎Danger in the trees⚠︎

⚠︎︎Danger in the trees⚠︎︎

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After putting all the horses away you all did as Levi instructed and now you all were just waiting.

"...So that was the plan from the start? We weren't flying by the seat of our pants? Look, I'm not complaining. I get keeping it from Y/N and I but come on! Keeping you guys in the dark? You'd think you'd earned a little more trust than that, right?" Eren questions looking to the members of the Levi squad that surrounding you and Eren, them securing the perimeter you being the last resort in protecting Eren.

"Damn, you're annoying." Oluo grumbles.

"I hope your not suggesting the captain kept the plan from us because he thinks we're a liability!" You can't help but bring a hand up to cover your quiet laugh at seeing Petra getting so worked up about what Eren was insinuating when it was pretty much exactly what happened.

"I'm sorry, but I am! There's just no other way it makes sense!" Eren defends himself

"I have to say I agree with Eren," You inspect your nails boredly "I see no other reason as to why Captain Levi wouldn't tell us what the hell was going on."

Oluo growls as he thrust his sword in you and Eren's direction "Enough of this! Petra, Knock the teeth out of their skulls!"

"'their', what did I do?" You tsk feigning ignorance.

"Look, I hate to say it, but the two have a point." You look over at Eld in curiosity and even Oluo puts his sword down as the looks to the blond "For being as instrumental to the plan as we were, the captain didn't give us much to go on." Eld explains his reasoning and you nod along, what he says makes sense.

"So, what?" Gunther questions.

"That means he doesn't trust us. Kind of a big deal." Eld looks to the other members of the Levi squad "C'mon you guys. Think about it. Maybe Y/N is right and Eren isn't the only one who can change. Maybe someone in the regiment's a titan spy."

"Eld's right. It's the only way the pieces fit. It's the only thing that makes sense." You insist.

"A spy? Are two sure about that?" (Gunther)

"Well, no. But i'm sure the commander believes it. He'd have to. And I'll wager you anything the only people in the know on this were the survivors from five years ago." Eld suggest.

"Of course. That's gotta be it." (Gunther)

"I concur whole-heartedly. Hear that snivel-drop, greenhorn? There was a good reason?"

You furrow your eyebrows as you point to yourself "...Snivel-drop..?" Oluo and his stupid nicknames need to be stopped.

"Right. Yes. A perfectly good reason." Petra repeats but you know that tone. That's Petra reassuring herself rather than you or Eren. "It adds up. After all, in their position, it's the best way of narrowing down the list of suspects to a manageable number. Shiganshina is probably when the spy got in."

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