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⚠︎︎Cadet core pt.3⚠︎︎


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Two years after joining the cadets

You try to even out your breathing as you keep hold of the heavy satchel on your back.

"Pick up the pace you lead-heeled laggards!"

You feel a small smirk come over your face hearing Sadies insults. You'd gotten used to his screaming a few weeks into the second month and now you just found what he came up with to be amusing rather than insulting as he intended them to be.

In fact it seemed those you hung around impacted you without you even realizing.


"Your boots water-logged, Arlert?" Commandant Sadies slows his horse so that he's riding alongside a jogging Armin "Let's see some hustle!" Seeing Armin's tired face he continues "Gear too heavy for you, son? Hell, drop it! Leave it in the mud! The titans'll have easier work digesting you without all the excess baggage." Seeing Armin keeping up the pace Sadies speeds his horse up, passing Armin by.

Seeing as Commandant Sadies is no longer near them Reiner grabs hold of Armin's gear.

Sadies sees all of this.

Reiner Braun.
The mind and constitution of a grass-fed ox. Respected by his comrades.

Something Reiner said sparks something in Armin as Armin takes off at a faster pace, snatching his gear from Reiner and getting to the front of their group.

Armin Arlert.
Built like a daffodil, but academically brilliant.


A titan cutout is shot up, immediately three cadets spot and go after it. Two, Annie Leonhart and Bertholdt Hoover, slice deep enough into the nape to kill the 'titan'. The other cadet, Jean Kirschtein, does not.

Annie Leonhart.
Gifted with a sword, but does not play exactly well with others.

Bertholdt Hoover.
Heaps of native talent, but too mild mannered.

Jean Kirschtein.
Second only to Y/N L/N on ODM; also an insufferable smartass with a hair-trigger temper.

Jean heads away from Annie and Bertholdt to try to find another titan cutout. Jean grins seeing a 'titan' only for Connie to jump in. But before Connie gets a chance to slice the nape the kill is stolen.

The girl who stole the kill lets her self fall while yelling out in happiness before her ODM gear catches her and shoots her back up.

Sasha Braus.
Unusually fine instincts. Rarely shares them with her teammates.

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