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⚠︎Abomination of a titan⚠︎

⚠︎Abomination of a titan⚠︎︎

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When the sun rose you, along with the rest of the troupe minus one person, stood on top of the wall.

You ignore the shuffling of footsteps coming closer, the only person missing from the old cadet group is Connie, "There waking us up this early in the morning?" Connie walks over and peers down to see the multitudes of people being herded in a specific direction. "It wouldn't surprise me if a riot broke out today."

"Yeah," You glance behind to see Jean standing with Connie him peering out over the wall too "After all the royal government was just taken over by the military."

You glance over at the silent brunette next to you, the silence in itself wasn't too concerning to you but the rations still in her hand did "Sasha, You haven't eaten anything. Are you okay?"

"Yeah... i'm just not hungry."

Eren and Armin both look over to the perpetually hungry girl who, for some reason, was no longer hungry. "For real?! Is there something wrong with you?" the titan shifter ask. behind the four of you Connie echoes that he's not hungry either.

"Yeah, it could be because we were killing people left and right until just now."

Eren, shocked, looks over to Jean "What?!"

Jean isn't fazed, his back still to Eren "A lots happened, Eren. And to think this day still isn't over after all."

Eren turns to you and leans over, his green eyes staring at your impartial form "Y/n is this true?"

You nod, uncaring and unfazed, "Yeah."

Sasha speaks up again, "I think there's hope if we can just pull through with this..."

"But," Armin's shaky voice breaks the air "If we mess up humanity will be forced into the worst game of hide and seek against that titan."

"Why'd that king have to go and do something so stupid?" Connie murmurs.

Before anyone can say anything else another voice speaks up "It's my fault."

You all turn around to see Historia outfitted in the ODM gear.

"Historia... that equipment your wearing... " Jean finnaly seems to snap out of his dumb shock "Wait, you can't be here!"

It seems Historia waking over caused Levi to meander on over as well "He's right. You can't take place in this battle. I thought I ordered you to wait in a safe place. What are you thinking?"

Levi's unwavering glare and dead tone doesn't seem to affect Historia this time as she fixes him with a determined gaze. "I'm here for a showdown with my own fate."

You can practically see question marks dancing around Levi's head, "huh?"

"Captain Levi You're the one who told me I needed to  choose weather to run or fight."

The two of them have a stare down for a few seconds before, "Agh, damn. There's no time for this." As if proving Levi's point the sound of something heavy being dragged meets your ears. "It's coming."


You ignore the commotion of Eren, Armin, and Mikasa as they argue over whatever and instead observe the scared shitless garrison soldiers. While you've personally never had a problem with the garrison you still enjoyed seeing them ready to shit their pants.

Cannons ringing out catches your attention. You look down the wall again to see the cannon balls ripping through the flesh of the titan, disturbingly it still crawls on.

Hot steam blast in your face but your not alone everyone is in the same position you are, hands up and trying to block their face from hot steam shooting at it.

"Damn it, this is bad." You mummer "The wind changed direction."

The next thing you know the giant hand is shooting up from the steam and grasp the wall. Then the garrison captain yells for retreat and the garrison descends into madness.

You roll your eyes, you knew in the end the survey core would be the ones putting their lives on the line, not the garrison, minus the one that sacrificed himself for Eren, they never truly do.

You grab a bucket of cold water previously prepared and douse yourself with it. The survey corps members continue with the plan. Eren titan shifts and on Erwin's signal carts with spikes are shot off into both of its hands. When it's off balance Eren jumps into action, shoving a giant pack of gunpowder down its gullet. It explodes.

"All troops! Use your maneuver gear to finish it off!" Erwin commands.

Before she takes off, you pull historia aside "It has to be you."

She balks at you, "What?"

You send her a smirk, "You heard me." and with that you take off. Sure if you found the nape of the titan you'd pin it down, but you know for sure it has to be Historia, the future queen, the finishes it off for good.

But as you look to your left, her zooming through the air on her own, eyes zeroed in on specific target you know she doesn't need you. She slashes with no hesitation, ending it.

You watch as she lands, back first over a covered wagon. Her arm is thrown over her face so you can't see her face. As towns people yell questions out at her she ignores all of them as she stands up she looks out at the crowd before making a declaration. "I am Historia Reiss, the true ruler of these walls."


When Levi went back to the place of the collapsed church you were tasked with tagging along. You walked a section caves on your own, hoping to come across a dead Caveen or an alive Enzo. You found one.

Caveen was overturned when you'd found her blond hair matted and stuck to her head, dried blood holding it there. A chunk of her stomach was missing not to mention her crushed right arm. You left her there.

When you'd gone back up you reported to Levi who all you'd seen, Caven was one of many after all. Levi was going over to the tree line and with nothing better to do you followed.

Levi, face to face with Kenny dismisses you. Turning to leave something catches your eye. It's a few trees away from Kenny and facing the opposite direction. You walk towards it when your finally upon you can't help but to drop to your knees.

"...Zo?" Your voice comes out strangled and you already feel the tears welling in your eyes.  His eyes are fluttered shut, partially shielded by the trees and a dark red hand pressed to his side. You crawl towards him, your throat feels tight and your heart squeezing in your chest. "Zo..." You gently pull him into your arms and his body limply follows "Enzo." You gently touch foreheads together, tears beginning to fall from your eyes.

Hey... how y'all doing? *awkward smile*

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