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"Well that went better than I expected." Hange disinfects Eren's wounds with a cotton ball that was dipped in some disinfectant "Does it hurt?"

Eren holds a cold cloth up to his cheek, "Yeah."

This seems to excite Hange as a smile grows onto her face "Yeah? Describe it to me!"


Ignoring Hange and Eren you look over to Miche who's silently staring outside of a window.

"Sorry for all that." Looking away from Miche you turn back to see Erwin pushing off a wall, where he was standing next to Levi, and walks over to You, Eren, and Hange "But the theatrics did get you placed in our custody."

"No," Eren winces slightly from the pressure of the cold towel pressed against where his tooth is "I understand."

"I can assure you the pain was worth it. We played our trump card at the perfect time." Erwin crouches down to Eren's height and holds out a hand "You have my utmost respect. Eren, I'm glad that you're on our team."

"Uh, me too!" Eren clutches Erwin's hand in his own and they shake hands "Glad to be here, sir!"

You take note of Levi crossing the room and you see Eren flinch when Levi's hand comes down on the bench behind his head "So, Eren."

"Sir?" Eren turns to look at Levi hesitantly

"You don't resent me now, do you?"

"N-no. I can see that what you did was necessary, sir."

Levi looks away from Eren "Good. Then you understand."

"Still, don't you think you went too far? I mean you knocked his tooth out!" As if to prove her point Hange displays the tooth "Neat, huh?"

Levi is not amused, "You picked it up? How disgusting."

"This is a precious sample i'll have you know!"

Levi turns back to Eren "Just be happy people like that aren't dissecting you."

Eren's still focused on the tooth on the cloth in Hange's hands and you watch him watch the tooth. Levi and Hange still bickering. Although Hange get's over it quickly as yet another grin slides onto her face as she turns back to Eren "Hey, Eren. Let me take a look inside that mouth of yours!"

Eren opens up his mouth and Hange, after peering inside for a moment or two, gasp. Which causes everyone to turn to the two. "Your tooth... it grew back."

You hum "I can't say i'm all that surprised." You feel the eyes of the room turn from Eren and Hange to you "According to Armin, one of the cadets, Eren got an arm and a leg bitten off yet when he emerged from his titan form... he had two arms and two legs. I guess we can chalk it up to part of Eren's ability."

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