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⚠︎A turn of events⚠︎

TW// Kidnapping, physical violence

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TW// Kidnapping, physical violence

By the time you arrive back at the base it's already thrust into chaos. Everyone is rushing around in an attempt to prepare for Historia's coronation as the wall's new queen. Honestly it was quite easy to sneak in and watch. Survey Core jacket getting you in with just a glance at your patch.

It's later in the halls of the government building that you meet up with the new queen and the rest of your class, slipping out of the shadows and appearing a few feet in front of them. "Hey,"

"Y/n!" Eren yells him rushing towards you. "Where have you been?"

You give a small shrug "I've been around headquarters. Lying low after everything. Why?"

"We've been looking for you." Eren's eyebrows furrow. "A lot of people have been looking for you."

You shrug your shoulders, absolutely unfazed. "A lot of people have been looking for me for a long long time." One of those people used to be Enzo.

You turn away from Eren and give a small smile to the rest of the group, "What have I missed?"

Nothing. You'd basically missed nothing in the day or so you were gone just most of Historia's coronation preparations.

The group of you were walking down the hallway when someone asked where you all were going.

"I'm going to punch Captain Levi." Historia announces. You side eye the girl but say nothing.

"Hold on," Eren speaks up "Are you really gonna do it Historia?"

She seems a little unsure of herself when she answers "Y-you said yourself that I should!"

"He was probably just saying that because he wants someone who can't get punished to punch the captains lights out." you "helpfully" supply.

Eren not so gently nudges you in your stomach with his elbow. "It was the Reeves company boss's final request... or joke..?" Eren seems confused as to what to call it but he shakes his head and refocuses "If you can let it go, you should."

Historia does not let it go. "I'm not fit to be queen unless I do it."

"Yeah Historia! That's the spirit!" Jean cheers.

"I lied, maybe it's Jean who really wants to see the captain get punched." You unhelpfully supply.

Historia goes rigid seeing Levi standing a little further down in the hallway. She recovers and walks more purposefully towards him, your small group following. To her credit she does actually punch Levi, declaring that she was queen as she did.

Levi's response, however, is what got even you. A smile. However small it may be it was still present, and to be honest, you kinda didn't know he could smile. "Thanks," his eyes sweep over the small group of survivors "...All of you."

This, for some reason, disturbs you greatly.


It's two days later, you and the rest of the Levi squad are still in the capital city when you are ambushed and cuffed. And despite what you want to do or what you'd usually do, you just go. Willingly.

You know who you're going to see. You knew the message you'd left was received and now you're getting an audience.

Burns is just as ugly as you remember. Uglier actually.  He still has his beady eyes except now their sunken into his face more, and his age is more pronounced on his face looking like he's in his late 50's. Burnes has also managed to gain some weight, a large amount by the belly he now sports. But the thing that really signals to you that this is your Burnes is the smile he wears when your dragged in.

It's large and overly cruel. You know Burnes already thinks he's won. If Burnes thinks he's won your little game oh so easily then he's learned nothing from the years the two of you have been playing cat and mouse with each other.

"You've been killing a lot of my men." Is the first thing he says.

"I was trying to get your attention." You respond, a smirk stuck on your face, Burnes scowls. you gesture to the rope securing your wrist to your torso. "I'd say it worked." You're smiling. Burnes scowl grows deeper.

"Y'know y/n your smart mouth isn't doing you any favors right now." Burnes all but growls. "When you were first born I for-"

You tilt your head back with a loud groan "Ugh! You recite this every fucking time! I know! My mom didn't fuck you, didn't marry you, your sad ass couldn't handle it and instead of taking it like a grown man responded like a little bitch and is now going after someone that's like three times younger than him."

Burnes let's you finish but when you do he slaps you. Hard. Your face flings to the side with the force of the hit but you make no noise and you don't make a face either. You turn your face back to burns and fix him with a blank look. "You hit like a little bitch."

With the rage full look that fills Burns eyes as he strikes you again, this time with a punch to the abdomen, you know your going to be here a while.

Once again you manage to keep yourself from making a sound. You look at Burnes blankly, a teasing smirk coming over your face "Yeah, taking hits from you is a piece of cake."

Burnes pauses, and stares at you coldly for a second, you brace yourself for another hit as he moves forward but he doesn't hit you. This time he wraps  soon his meaty hands around your neck and presses as tight as he can.

A/N: our dear MC finds himself in trouble so quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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