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⚠︎︎57th recon mission⚠︎

⚠︎︎57th recon mission⚠︎︎

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"I gotta say," You pant as you push forward causing Eren to groan under you "Didn't expect to have you in this position so soon."

Eren shakily places a hand on your peck due to you both being shirtless. And pushes although it does nothing but cause you to press harder against him causing for another groan to leave his lips.

"You--" Eren throws his head back as you push him even further you even moving his leg over your shoulder. "You can be gentle y'know." Eren grunts.

"Huh?" You push Eren's thigh closer to his chest "No I can't how the hell else am I suppose to stretch your lazy ass out?"

"Lazy?! I could spar with you right now!" Eren yells attempting to fight against your hand by pressing his thigh against it also resulting in him pushing against the stretch, a fight he looses.

"But you wouldn't win." You hum letting go of his thigh, scooting back and getting up from you sitting position. Eren get's up from lying flat on the grass and stands up too "You don't know that!"

"As much as all of us want to see that," Levi remarks dryly "Eren you need to clean the stables and feed the horses. Oluo go with him. Eld I want you sparring with Y/N. Gunther you can watch but if the matches get on sided with a winner I want you to step in. Now if you excuse me, I'll be doing paperwork."


Just like Levi said you were sparing with Eld but after four or five sparing matches Gunther had to step in due to you putting Eld on his ass pretty much every time.

"You know Y/N," Gunther says as you eye him wearily both of you walking slow circles around the other as your fist are up "We got a new group of recruits in today."

"Yeah." You take a quick glance at Gunther's feet to see he's not planting a foot to rush you before returning to his face and fist.

"I'm pretty sure, that's the new crop of 'em behind you. Watching us spar."

You hum not letting yourself get distracted "Is that so?"

Gunther rushes forward with a swing and your quick to duck out of the way, although now you can see that Gunter was in fact telling the truth about the 104th cadet core being there, you being stunned enough to momentarily stop and stare and that was all Gunther needed.

Gunther moves in when you were distracted and uses the opportunity to land a kick square between your shoulder blades. Brought out of your stupor by the pain you turn back around only for a fist to collide with your jaw.

"Shit." You grunt out ducking out of the way as Gunther goes in for another punch.

"Gotcha good there huh L/N?" Gunther chuckles as the two of you resume your positions of walking slow circles around each other.

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