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⚠︎︎"Queen Historia"⚠︎

⚠︎︎"Queen Historia"⚠︎︎

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After you all had been told about the Reiss family you could only think about Historia and what she'd told you. Seeing as Historia was the daughter of Rod Reiss (as she'd told you all when you inquired about her) that means Historia was heir to the throne.

"So they plan to eat Eren?" Armin ask.

"Yeah. Eren remembered a conversation between Ymir and Bertholdt. Based on this we can speculate Ymir used to be a mindless titan just like the others, until she consumed someone-- Someone from Bertholdt and Reiner's group. We've never seen a titan turn back into a human by eating one before. That said, Reiner's comrades aren't normal humans, and there's a different set of rules for humans that can turn into titans. My thought is this: If a titan eats someone with that power, then it'll transform back into a human. What's more, they'll obtain whatever powers that human had. In the battle the other day, Reiner was throwing titans at Eren as he tried to run away. He knew that Eren had the power to take command of feral titans with his scream. If Eren's death meant that power was lost, he wouldn't have risked it. I think he hoped one of those tians would eat Eren and take his power. My point is, of the government had a titan of their own, they'll use it to eat Eren."

Mikasa immediately shoots off of her spot where she was leaning against the wall and attempts to exit from the front door. However you intercept her and don't allow her to leave. "Calm down, I know you wanna get Eren back, but going on a rampage won't help with that."

"Besides," Levi speaks up from his spot not too far from you "We're heading to Rod Reiss' estate prepare to leave at once."

"Sir!" You all say at once before you leave to do as Levi says.

You side eye Mikasa as you all go. You know, or at least, have an inkling of what Mikasa is going through but she needs to let go just a bit more. You let out a sigh and let it go, you know Mikasa won't listen anyway.


The next day all over town in wall Sina, which come on, you already knew that was a bad idea, because every time you passed by someone dressed up all nice your fingers got to itching. You were able to restrain yourself though, you're not an animal.

"The scout regiment has murdered a civilian!" Your ears perked up at that. "Some of them have evaded capture! These people are dangerous! If you spot any of the people on these posters, report them immediately!" You roll your eyes as the man continues on, rambling about how vile and evil the scouts are.

This one you didn't even kill yet you all are getting the credit, it makes you laugh a little bit. Although it is a shame that Dimo Reeves had to be the lamb sent to slaughter.

"I told you didn't I? These are the same bastards that unleashed a titan here. They destroyed half the town."

"I bet their planning on using that freak show Yeager to wipe us all out!" Your eye twitches and your fingers start itching again. Except this time they're for the knifes Levi has yet to snatch back.

You already hated the rich shits in Sina and them talking about you all had you itching to kill all over again.

However as you see Jean walk over, cloak over his body to conceal his ODM gear, much like you armin and Mikasa and a hat on unlike you and mikasa who both had your hoods pulled up and Armin, the only one out of the four of you whose face wasn't on a wanted poster, has his hood down.

Neither of you say anything as Jean ducks his head and raises his arm to his hat, shielding his face from the two gossiping males, and rejoining you two.


Soon enough the four of you were walking back through the forest, Jean announcing you all to the group that was already looking at the four of you.
"Captain, we brought the supplies."

The three of you gently put down the items you all were carrying while Armin hands Levi a flyer with his face on it. "The MP's were handing out these flyers." Levi takes it and begins to read "If this is true the scouts will be disbanded. They say the'll be hunting us in the mountains tonight. There also posting guards on all the vital roads. No one can get through them without a pass. So, Captain? What now?"

A smirk slides on your face and you drop your hood with one hand and a knife with the other "We could always kill the MP's that get in our way, i'm game for anything at this point~" You tease. Levi glances up at you from his sitting position and then the knife in your hand he looks but says nothing.

"We need to hurry and find Eren." Mikasa says

Levi looks at her, "He'll be fine. They're taking him on a wagon. That gives us one day before they reach the Reiss' estate. And we need every second we can get to come up with a plan."

Sasha's head snaps in the direction the four of you came "Captain. I hear footsteps." All of you turn towards where Sasha is looking, her voice dropping to a whisper "Sounds like they're approaching."

Your eyes narrow as you bring your knife out again, if Sasha says something is coming then it is.

Levi raises his hand in a stop motion "We get past the check point disguised as MPs. Then snoop around until we find out where Eren is."

"But Captain," Levi fixes you with a gaze and you let out a huff but you back down. "Fine," You grumble. It seems for now this would be the plan that you guys are going with.

Nah bc why season 4 hurt like that.

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