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(TW: Mentions of murder/blood and torture)

The four of you sit on crates in a warehouse, Sasha and Connie outside keeping watch, and for the most part it is silent. Everyone mulling over the events of the day.

"What's wrong? Did all this filth kill your apatite?" Levi questions

"No." Armin says before he turns to Jean. "Jean, there's something I don't understand."

At the call of his name Jean look's up. "What's that?"

"When I turned around to try to save you... that woman already had a gun to your head." You think you where this is going. Enzo was like this after his first kill to. Full of regrets and making up things that he had no need to. Punishing himself you guessed. "It's... funny. How could I have shot before she did?

Jean shutters "I don't know."

"You shot first because she hesitated. It's simple." Levi easily supplies Armin's answer.

Jean looks away from Armin, unable to meet his eye. "I'm sorry Armin. You wouldn't've had to save me if i'd just done my job."

"I know what it is," Armin speak again. "The woman I shot back there. I bet she was a really kind person." Armin's eyes are wide again. Wide and devoid of all life. He looks absolutely traumatized. "She must've had a lot more human empathy than I ever did. I pulled that trigger so easily. Without a thought. I'm..." Armin trails off unable to complete his sentence.

Luckily for him, Levi can. "A killer. And now that your hands have been soaked in blood, the person you once were is gone for good."

Mikasa let's out a gasp, bristling, "Why would you say that?!"

Levi plows on "And you shouldn't regret it for one second. Because if you'd chosen to keep your hands clean, Jean would be a corpse on a cart right now. I'll tell you why you pulled the trigger. Because your comrade was about to die. Armin. Everyone on our squad survived today because you got blood on your hands." Levi stares right at Armin, into the depth of his soul, "Thank you."

You can see the sweat form across Jean's forehead, him nervous to speak his next few words. "Captain Levi, I, uh, I thought it was wrong for us to fight other humans, sir. I thought it was wrong that you ordered us to do it. I mean, we became soldiers to protect people. But now, I see that I was in the wrong, sir. Next time I swear I'll shoot."

"I never said anything about what was right or wrong." Levi says and Jean looks shocked that the captain is dismissing Jean agreeing with him so easily "My moral high ground's shot to hell. I have no idea who's in the right at this point." Levi stands up "Now then, I think it's time we heard what out guest has to say."

You turn to glance at a bound and gagged male your eyes hardening into a lethal glare. You'd heard he was pawing at Armin earlier.  You didn't like that at all.

You stand up and follow after Levi as he walks over to the bound male. As you get closer you recognize him as the male who was holding up the evacuation in Trost about a month or so ago.

Levi takes off the gag and immediately the pig is begging. "Mercy, please! I'm just an old man they use to move cargo. I didn't want to, but they--"

"You can stop you're lying now, swine. This man is a prominent merchant, i vividly remember dealing with him not too long ago." You growl out.

"Yeah, I know him. Dimo Reeves, right?"

After Levi reveals he knows who Reeves is Reeves let's out a grunt and completely flips his personality. "This damn job was forced on us by the Military Police. And now that we completely botched it, they'll plunder the Reeves company for everything its worth. First they'll kill me and then they'll set up "accidents" for all my employees. My dumb son, too. Another bound male not too far away let's out a shocked gasp. You assume that that's the dumb son.

Levi looks down at Reeves "You just gonna lay down and take that? There's a reason Trost recovered from that Titan attack. It's largely because of jobs and money brought in by the Reeve's company. Tell me, if your company were to disappear, how many would survive the coming winter?"

"So, what? You want me to join you?"

"We just need to know where Eren and Historia are. If you're in contact with the MP's I think I have a plan."

"And can you give me your word that the people of Trost won't end up starving to death?"

Levi bends down to one knee so that he and Reeve's are eyelevel "I can't guarantee it. That said, I believe they have a better chance with us than without."

The two of them stare at one another for a second before Reeve's agrees.


The carriage arrives back at the old safehouse. The one you all had quickly abandoned only a day or so earlier.

An MP steps out of the back of a hooded cart only to be met with the sound of a cocked gun. You and Levi on either side of Jean (who has the gun pointed at the MP) you take your hood off and give the older male a grin that does nothing to hide your bloodlust. "Hiya Sannes~" An then with a swift punch you quickly knocked the male out. After Mikasa does the same to the other male you move the two bodies to a cellar.

i'm so sorry but y'all being so worried for enzo really makes me giggle. i just know isayama be having fun 😭😭.

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