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⚠︎︎Military help⚠︎

⚠︎︎Military help⚠︎︎

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You grumble to yourself as you tie up the two MP's that were attempting to capture you all. However you made quick work of the two, it was way too easy. The two had obviously never been in an actual fight before. The fact the two were MP's were proof enough of that.

"Aren't you that guy who killed all those MP's?!" The girl struggles in her bindings trying to scramble away from you.

You huff out a laugh, it sounding a lot more threatening than intended "Yeah. It's nice to know my reputation still proceeds me." You let out a sigh, sounding almost as if you were reminiscing on something, "Ah, but that was a little while ago," You cross your arms, still though, I wouldn't mind slitting your throats." You pull your thumb across your throat, the message being obvious. Seeing the MP's pail a loud laugh bubbles up from your throat, a smile taking purchase on your face "Don't worry, don't worry." Even though the smile is stuck on your face the two feel a sense of dread, "Those aren't my orders right now." If you didn't have orders not to kill the two knows they'd probably be lying dead in the river you all ambushed them in.

Levi stands up, reading off of a paper jean lifted from the two as you were tying them up. "Let's see. Stohess district Military police. Private Marlo Freudenberg, and private Hitch Dreyse, same assignment. What should we do with you two?" The two audibly gasp and the flinch they make as you lift your knife to clean under your nails makes you laugh under your breath.

"It's your fault that more than a hundred people from Stohess district got killed!"

Both you and Levi look at the girl, Hitch. "Huh?"

"Hey!" Marlo hisses, it's obvious he wants her to be quiet.

"Maybe you think you're bringing justice to humanity, but you sent all those victims and their families straight to hell!"

"Yeah, I know." Levi speaks casually.

Hitch, most likely realizing she wasn't getting anywhere turns to the group of former cadets, "You guys were in the southern training corps, right? Just like Annie Leonhart." At the sound of her name you 'tsk' "Were you friends with her? No, I doubt she made any friends. She was so distant and abrasive, like a kid who's scared to talk to people." Hitch turns away from you all and is glaring at Levi " I never got the chance to learn anything about her. And isn't the reason they still haven't found her because those titans pulverized her until there was nothing left to find?!"

At Hitch's yelling you can't help but laugh, her whipping around from glaring at captain Levi to glaring at you, but seeing as it's you her gaze seems to change from anger to horror. "You... you knew her! You trained with her for three years! So why... why are you laughing?! Was her becoming an MP really the cause of all of this hatred? You don't even care!" Hitch bows her head, her fist clenched in obvious anger and her partner in crime, Marlo looks shocked.

Humanities villain {and hero}Where stories live. Discover now