Chapter 1 Treble House

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~beca's POV~

The bellas and I are on are way to the treble house to spend some time with them. Cameron, fat Amy, Stacie, Cynthia rose, lily and I thought it would be a good idea to at least spend time with them away from acapella.

We approached the deck and before any of us took a step on it the door opened and there was no one standing there. Everyone was freaked out but then fat Amy started talking.

"Hello, is there anyone there?" She asked me and Cameron just giggled under are breath and Amy started talking again. "Listen if there's someone there and I walk in and I get scared half to death I'm gonna sit on them." Amy said and after about 3 seconds tanner, Donald and jesse popped out from behind the door and put there hands up in surender.

"Thank you, now let me through." Amy said while scooting past the 3 guys and the other bellas followed her in. Stacie, Cameron and I were still standing outside laughing are heads off until Cameron decided to speak up.

"So, was your plan to scare us or something?" She questioned. "Well it was and then Amy said she was gonna sit on us so we surendered because we don't feel like getting sat on by her." Jesse responded. He walked over to Cameron and gave her a bone crushing hug and she hugged back, I smiled it was just so adorable.

"Haven't seen you in a while cam, how are you?" He questioned her. "I'm pretty good, but I would be better if you let me go and didn't brake any of my bones." She replied back trying to breath. "Sorry." He said chuckling. He walked toward me but didn't give me a hug, he just crashed his lips to mine and pasionetly kissed me, are lips moving in sync.

"Well, I'm gonna go inside with Donald now, not sure if you 2 wanna come but I'm gonn-. Ya bye." Stacie said taking Donalds hand and walking inside with him. I pulled away and smiled. "Well we might as well go inside to." I said and he gestured for me to go first. Cameron and tanner followed in behind me and the boys went to there game room and me and Cameron went and sat on the couch and talked.

"So bec, you ready to be graduating?" Cameron asked me. "Well, it us pretty exciting and since I'm graduating with jesse it makes everything even better." I responded and a big smile appeared on her face.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" I questioned. "It's just you and my brother are getting really serious and it's so adorable how much you 2 like each other and I'm also really glad that he likes you, I mean ive hated all of his other girlfriends and your the only one that I've actually liked." Cameron explained.

"Really, but you know we may be adorable and all but then I look at you and tanner, you and him are like a really adorable couple and it's sweet how much you 2 like each other." I said and she started blushing. "Ya, well I won't deny that." She said and we both started laughing.

When we finished are laughing fit jesse came and plopped down on the couch between us and put his arms around us.

"My 2 girls." He said and Cameron raised one of her eyebrows. "Really, and what will happen if you end up having a baby girl or some shit like that?" Cameron questioned still with her eyebrow up. "Danm, I didn't think of that. Well you know if that ever happens then it will be changed to my 3 girls or something, I don't know stop pressuring me." Jesse said seriously and we giggled.

"Jess I'm just kidding." Cameron spoke up and I burst out laughing. "I-I knew that." He replied a little embarrassed and I just couldn't stop my laughing fit. "Oh jess, your so adorable when your embarrassed." I said and he smiled at me. "And your so adorable just by sitting there." He replied back and I couldn't help but flash my famous Rebeca Mitchel smile, showing me teeth and everything.

"So, jesse are you excited to graduate next week?" Cameron broke the silence between us and jesse looked at her. "Obviously, I mean I'm gonna start a life with the woman I love and hopefully I get to spend the rest of my life with her." Jesse responded and I thought that this would be the perfect time to play a littke joke on him.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about that jesse." I put on a serious face and thought of the most sad thing ever and a few tears rolled down my cheeks, he looked at me and looked really concerned. "Beca, what's wrong?" He asked scared of what I might say next.

"Well for a while now I've been planning on bra-." "Your braking up with me, but I thought we had a great relationship." He said about to cry. "Jesse, I just have to tell you 1 thing." I said and he looked up at me more. "What?" He questioned.

"I'm joking." I said bursting into laughter, I looked at Cameron and she was rolling all over the floor in laughter. Jesse just looked at me with an are-you-serious look.

"Beca, that's nothing to joke about." He said attracting attention from different bellas and trebles in the room. I put on a serious face and so did Cameron when she got up. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to really hurt your feelings like that." I said and he looked at me and burst into laughter himself.

"I'm just kidding around with you, I'm not mad at you just because of a joke, as long as we're still together I don't really care what kind of jokes you make." He said and I looked at him and smiled. "Thank god, I thought you were serious there for a sec." I replied and he smiled at me.

"It's ok." He said and I gave him a passionate kiss and now everyone's attention was on us. "Get a room or stop eating each other!" I heard Amy yell and I pulled away slightly and smiled.

"I love you jess and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I said onto his lips. "I love you to and I will always want to spend the rest of my life with you." He responded back onto my lips and I couldn't help but smile again.

Nobody knows how much I really love this man aright here and I'm more then grateful to be spending the rest of my life with him.

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