Chapter 6 So Many Months

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~beca's POV~

It's been at least 5 months and I'm so tired. I'm now seen by everyone where ever I go, I used to be some girl that looked like a twig and now I look like I swallowed a whole Watermelon, pumpkin or even a basketball. And to think, I used to be so small.

Jesse has been a great help over the months and I'm so thankful, what would I do without him. The bellas have also been a great help to, I mean the minute I told them I was having twin girls they flipped out and started heading to the store to buy little baby outfits and such.

"Bec, I'm home!" Jesse yelled from the kitchen pulling me from my thoughts.

I tryed to stand up but it was really hard so I just stayed sitting down. Jesse walked into the living room and came over to me. "So, no hello kiss." He said to me and I gave him a 'seriously' look. "Well jess, if it wasn't really hard to get up, I would have gotten up and gave you one." I responded and he looked at me and smiled his same dorky smile. He gave me a quick kiss then went and made some dinner.

I tryed to stand up again and this time I succeeded but it hurt a little, I walked into the kitchen to see jesse making hamburger helper. "Ew, gross." I said and he looked at me. "It's not for you don't get to excited." He replied and I rolled my eyes. He handed me a plate of salade and a sandwich.

I went and put my things on the dinning table and then went and got some weird sauces that I was craving. I grabbed some ketchup, mustard, plum sauce, cheese Wizz and hot sauce, yes I know disgusting but to me it tasted delicious. I went and sat at the table where jesse was staring at my creation of sauces.

"No offence but that's really disgusting." He mentioned for like the 50 thousand time. "Ya I know but I'm craving it so you gotta deal with it or you can leave." I responded back and he nodded his head, choosing to stay and deal with it.

I finished up the rest of my food and put everything back in its appropriate place. I went back to the living room and fell on the couch right beside where jesse was sitting. "So, what's on the radar for tonight?" I asked and he put on his thinking face.

"I don't know but there's a certain movie on my mind." He replied and I smiled because I knew exactly what he was talking about. "And what movie would that be?" I questioned playing dumb. "Oh just the breakfast club, no biggy." He responded acting like it was a worthless movie.

"Just put it in already." I said and he smiled and did as I said. He put the movie in and we had to wait a couple minutes as the previews for other things played. The play button and extra things came up and jesse clicked play and the movie began.

It's halfway through the movie and I'm about to pass out but jesse's still wide awake watching every single part, I don't think he's blinked since it started. I'm watching the movie and I'm really getting tired. I got more comfortable on the couch and was about to pass out when jesse stood up and the couch made a really old creaky noise.

I couldn't take it anymore, I'm just gonna go to bed. I tryed getting up off the couch but it was harder this time because of how big I am plus I'm really tired and have no strength. I was pulling myself up when I felt jesse's arm around my waist. He helped me up off the couch and pointed for me to go to bed.

"Thanks." I said sarcasticly and he smiled at me. "You go to bed and I'll turn off the movie and meet you there in a minute." He said and I gave him a thumbs up and started walking down the hallway.

I got to the bedroom and sat on the bed and sighed. I then got up again and grabbed my pj's and put them on. I layed down on the bed and pulled the covers on me right when jesse walked into the room.

"Sorry you didn't get to watch the rest of the movie." I said jokingly just to start conversation. "It's ok I'd rather come and snuggle with my fiancé in bed." He replied and I smiled. He took his t-shirt and jeans off and threw them in the laundry basket and then jumped into his spot in bed.

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