Chapter 19 You Will Always Make It Better

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~beca's POV~

Lisa fell through the railing and into the water. I watched her from above as she squirmed around in the water and then a huge circular floaty flew down into the water and was attached to a rope. "Listen lisa! Don't let go ok, I'm gonna try and pull you up!" Jesse yelled down as she grabbed on. I looked down at her and instead of just holding on she sorta pulled herself through the circle, so her top half was out one end and then her bottom half was out the other.

"Brad you wanna like help with this?" Jesse asked him and he looked at me. "Naw I'm good, if my girl don't like her I'm not gonna help bring her back on the boat that were on, and also you pretty much tryed to kill me at dinner yesterday." He said and I smiled at him and he smiled at me. "Whatever, Benji help." Benji grabbed into the rope and pulled along with jesse.

I walked over to the stroller and stood beside it as jesse and Benji pulled her in. A couple minutes later she was finally up and soaked from head to toe. She was shivering and she started wlaking toward me. "You are such a fucking bitch!" She yelled and I saw her arm start toward my face but I grabbed it before it coukd make the impact. "Thanks, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." I said with a proud smile spread across my face.

"Fuck you!" She screamed and stomped off almost slipping as she went away. I started laughing and I look at the others standing there and they looked a little scared. "Ok, I know I just did that but you don't have to be afraid of me, I like you guys and unless you wanna start telling me stupid false information I won't be doing anything bad to you." I said and Emily nodded her head and walked away with Benji. Chloe just sorta stood there for a second, not saying anything. Jesse on the other hand looked madder then anyone I've ever seen in my life.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He asked me and I stood there confused for a minute. "Excuse me? What the fuck did I do wrong?" I questioned crossing my arms over my chest. "Well you just pushed my Motherfucking girlfriend over the railing." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Well maybe you should teach her to keep her fucking mouth shut." I said to him and he still seemed mad. "You know, when it comes to someone telling me that my own children don't even like me, then I'd like to think that the father would've helped even if we're not together anymore." I said and turned the stroller around and started walking the other direction.

I walked toward where the elvator was and pressed the button. The elevator doors opened and I walked in with the stroller and clicked the button. Before the doors closed someone's arm stopped the doors from closing.


"I'm sorry that happened, I mean it's not professional to tell someone they're children don't like them." He said and I felt a couple tears rolled down my cheeks. "No its not your fault she's a" I said not coming up with a good enough word to call her. "Listen she's just jealous that there jesse's kids, she's mad that there his because she didn't know in the first place." He assured me and the doors opened. I walked out and we started walking down the hallway.

"I just wish they were yours sometimes, I mean then there wouldn't be any reason for her to be acting this way. Atleast that's what I think." I said and he opened the door when we got to it. We walked in and I took Bella our of her seat in the stroller and Brad took Trina out of hers. We walked into the small room that had there cribs and put then down in them.

I looked down at Bella and she was looking straight up back at me. A smile spread across my face and then a smile spread across hers. "Your so adorable, you know that." I said and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. "Now have a nap, today was a rough day, but it's still not over." I said and stroked her cheek with my thumb. I turned toward Trinas crib where Brad was still standing.

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