Chapter 5 We're Having What

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~beca's POV~

Today was the day that me and jesse were gonna go to the hospital to get an altrasound to find out what we were gonna have and I was a little scared of what the doctor would say.

I mean what if he says that I had a miscarriage or something or me and jesse aren't happy with what we are having.

"Hey babe, you ready to go?" Jesse questioned pulling me from my thoughts. "Oh um ya, I'm ready." I stuttered and he came and gave me a hug. "Becs listen, it's gonna be fine ok." He said trying to comfort me and I was smiled. "I know, I'm just a little scared." I replied and he pulled my head up to look at him. "Don't be because I'll be happy with whatever were having and you should be to." He said to me looking deep in my eyes and leaned in to him more and kissed him.

I pulled away after a few songs and smiled at him. "Ok, let's go." I said to him and he smiled back and laced his fingers with mine and we walked out the door together.

We got in the car and it was silent the whole way to the hospital and when we finally arrived at the hospital, he got out of the car and came to my side to help me out. We walked inside to see people waiting around and a big desk with an elderly lady sitting behind it.

"Hello, how may I help you 2." The elderly lady asked and we walked over to her. "Oh, we're here for an altrasound." Jesse told the lady. "Name please." The lady replied looking at us. "Swanson." Jesse said and the lady started typing something on the computer.

"Ok, hello beca, the altrasound is down that hall and when you reach the end turn right and there should be another lady down there to direct you to the room you will have your altrasound." The lady said with a smile. "Ok, thanks for the help." I responded and smiled at her and she nodded her head in a no problem way.

Jesse and I walked down the hall and turned right, there was a lady sitting behind a glass window and she was busy typing things out on her computer, but jesse interrupted her anyway.

"Hello, we're here for an altrasound." Jesse said and the lady looked up at him. "Ok name." She said and I was like didn't we already just go through this. "Swanson." Jesse replied and the lady typed something again and then looked and me and smiled. "Ok, I'll go let the doctor know that your here now." She said and got up and walked away.

Jesse and I sat down in some chairs behind us and waited for about 3 minutes until a doctor came to the door. "Swanson." He called and I put my hand up and stood up. "That would be us." I said and took a deep breath. "Ok, well hello beca and jesse, please follow me." He said and we followed him down a short hall and into a small dark room.

"Ok beca, may you please lay down on the bed right here and jesse you can sit on that stool right there." The doctor pointed to where we needed to both sit and we did as he said.

"Now please pull your shirt up over your stomach." He said while grabbing something and I pulled my shirt up to the lining of my bra. "Thank you and I'm warning you this gel will be really cold." He said while opening a squeeze bottle thing and squirted some on my stomach. I took a deep breath because of how cold it was and he grabbed this tool thing and started swirling it all over my stomach.

He looked at the small but big screen and me and jesse were doing the same thing. I had a little trouble actually seeing what the picture was and so did jesse, but the doctor didn't and after a minute he smiled at me. "Well, beca I know what your having, would you like to know or should I keep that a secret?" He asked and jesse looked at him with a hurry-up-and-tell-us look. "We want to know please just tell us what we're having." I said with a little giggle.

"Ok then, your having a girl..." Jesse stood up from his stool and started doing a victory dance and put his fist in the air. "Yay, we're having a miny beca!" He chanted and the doctor cleared his throat as in saying he's not done. I looked at him with a confused look and he finished his sentence.

"And another girl." He said and had a really surprised look on my face now. Jesse had a big happy smile on his face and stood up again. "Are you saying we're having twins?" Jesse questioned about to do another victory dance. "No, he's saying I'm gonna have twins." I blurted out and jesse smiled at me and chuckled.

"Would you 2 like a some pictures?" The doctor questioned us printing some out. "Yes, thank you." I said as he handed me a couple. "No problem, so I will see you in about a month or so to see how the twins are doing." He said before leaving the room. Jesse handed me a towel and I started wiping the gel away and then he helped me stand up and we were on are way out of the hospital.

So I'm going to be giving birth to twins, that's probably not the best news the doctor could have given me but it's news alright.

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