Chapter 14 Getting Over Jesse

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~beca's POV~

"Thanks Donald." I said thanking him as he finished putting the 2nd crib up in the room I now call my bedroom. "No problem, I'm here to help with whatever you need after what happened." He tells me giving me a small hug and leaving the room.

I'm so tired, the girls were up forever last night, I slept on the couch and they slept in the playpen. Stacies watching them now so I might as well get a little sleep in. I layed down on my bed and almost fell asleep when my phone went off. "Seriously?" I asked myself getting up and trying to find my phone. I finally found it under the crib and it was an unknown number.

(Br=Brad B=Beca S=Stacie)

B- hello

Br- hey, is this beca Mitchell

B- ya, your name now

Br- Bradley

B- oh hey Brad, what are ya calling for

Right after I said that Stacie walked into my room without the girls and that got me a little worried.

Br- I was calling to see if we could get together, go out for dinner or something

B- oh um I'm not sure, I'll have to see what days I'm free to go out-

S- she can actually go out tonight, name the place and she'll be there

Stacie grabbed the phone out of my hand and said that. I started mouthing no, I don't wanna leave the house.

Br- uh ok, did beca wanna have dinner

S- no she's already had dinner here

Br- how about the movies

S- she's definitely up for that, she'll meet you at the theater in 30 or so

Br- ok bye

S- bye

Stacie hung up the phone, threw it on the bed, grabbed my hand and started pulling me toward her room. "No Stacie, what about the girls?" I questioned she started going through her closet. "Me and Donald will watch them, don't worry." She said and I sat on her bed. "Why do I have to get dressed so fancy? I'm probably not even gonna fit into your clothes when I can almost not even fit into mine." I told her as she started throwing stuff onto the floor.

"You need to get dressed fancy because your going on a date." She says going through her dresser. "Jesse never cared about what I wore." I tell her crossing my arms. She turned around and crossed her arms. "And your not with him anymore are you?" She asked me sarcastically and rolled her eyes. "Sorry, where are we going anyways?" I questioned her standing up to look at some things that were on the floor. "The movies." She told me and I stopped what I was doing.

"You want me to get dressed up fancy to go and see a movie?" I asked her standing up. "Uh ya." She replied looking a bit nervous. "I'm not wearing any of your clothes to go and see a movie, I'm gonna wear what I wanna wear like really Stacie." I said leaving her room and going to mine. I got a pair of black jeans out of the dresser then went into my closet and grabbed a loose white tank top and a pink, red and black plaid shirt. I got dressed and went down stairs. "Ok I'll let you wear that but you need to come back tonight with a boyfriend." She tells me following me down the stairs.

"Ok mom." I said picking up Bella who was laying on the her purple fluffy blanket on the floor and playing with toys that were around her. "Do you want mommy to go out tonight?" I asked her in my baby voice. I moved her head no with my hand then looked at Stacie. "She doesn't want me to go, it's settled I'm staying." I told her. She came over to me and took Bella. "Get out that door and go get a boyfriend." She said walking into the kitchen.

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