Chapter 20 Expecting

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~beca's POV~

For the past 3-4 weeks me and Brad have been you know 'doing it' like every night and sometimes day. He's been hoping that I would get pregnant or something and I've sorta been hoping that too.

I woke up a couple days ago and had to run to the bathroom because I had to throw up. That has been my morning routine for the couple days after that. Wake up, throw up, done.

During the day I've had to throw up aswell but I only end up doing that atleast twice, three times if I'm lucky. Brads been asking me if I'm ok and I just think I'm sick.

I was sitting with chloe, Stacie and Donald on the top deck in the bright sun. "So I've been having wonderful mornings lately." I brought up just trying to make conversation. "Oh really? What's been going on?" Chloe asked shifting in her chair so she was facing me more. "I've been waking up and then throwing up and then I'd throw up during the day once or twice. I think I'm just sea sick or something." I explained and Stacie smiled at me. "What?" I questioned her confused at to why she was smiling at me like that. "Your not sick beca." She said and stood up and grabbed my hand.

She started running and she dragged me behind her. She dragged me all the way to the elevator and then dragged me in it. "Where are we going!?" I shouted as the elevator went down. "To my room." She said tapping her feet. "Why?" I asked quiter this time. "Because this is what happened the first time." She said as the elevator opened. She pulled me along with her to her room and quickly opened the door.

"I don't get it, what happened the first time?" I questioned her as she went through a pocket in her suitcase. "Bathroom. Now." She said in a stern voice handing me a pregnancy test. "You don't think?" I questioned and she nodded. "Oh I do think, now go." She shoved me in the bathroom and I quickly did what I had to do.

When I was done I put the test on the sink and put the timer on my phone. I had to wait about 10 minutes to actually get the results.

I'm like so excited right now, but I'm like so not excited right now. I mean I could be pregnant with brads child, that's what we were hoping for. But then I have to go through 9 more months, but in the end it would all be worth it.

I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. That's the only thing that I thought right now. I started breathing more heavily and I could feel my heart beating in my chest. I started rocking back and forth a bit and I just, I just, I just don't even know.

My phone went off and I rushed to my feet. I didn't look at the test yet, I looked up as I picked it up.


Positive. Pregnant. Positive. Pregnant.

Oh my fuck.

I rushed out of the bathroom and Stacie stood up from her bed. "So?" She said fidgeting with her hands. I smiled at her and her eyes widened, her mouth dropped and her eyebrows went up. "Pregnant." I said and she started flipping out. "I can't believe it! Again! Omg! Let's go tell everyone!" She started screaming and she pulled me out of the room. I pushed the test in my pocket just in case people were around. We took the elevator up and I imediatly started looking for Brad.

I spotted him with some of the trebles and the twins. I started running toward him until I saw who was also part of that group. There was a laughing jesse standing right beside my laughing Brad. Why are there hanging out together? Are they like friends now? Whatever I need to tell him now, I wanna tell him now.

I went up behind him and put my hands over his eyes. "Guess who." I said and he started tapping his chin. "Is it shailene Woodley by any chance?" He asked and I shook my head. "Uh no, it's not." I said and let out a laugh as he turned around. He put his hands on my waist and looked into my eyes. "Is it my super hot girlfriend who I would do anything for?" He questioned and I kissed him softly. "It sure is." I said and then kissed him again.

I pulled away and stepped back. "I came to get you to tell you something that is very important and cannot wait." I said and he looked a bit concerned. "Is everything OK, are you breaking up with me, am I not good enough!?" He yelled pretending to be over dramatic. "No." I assured him with a giggle. "But I have something huge to tell you." He gestured for me to keep talking and my eyes skipped to jesse. He had his hands stuffed in his pockets and I could see in his face that he was nervous about something, probably what I was about to say.

"I'm just gonna say it, we're expecting." He seemed confused and scrunched his eyebrows together. "What I mean is I'm pregnant." With that he picked me up and spun me around. When he put me down he kissed me so passionatly I could feet the electricity in every part of my body. When he pulled away he had a smile plastered on his face. Jesse looked like he just saw a puppy get run over by a car. He looked so sad and then he turned and walked away. I looked back at Brad and he pulled me tight into his arms.

"I can't beleive it!" He shouted and kissed the top of my head. "I got my girlfriend pregnant but it's ok!" He screamed at the top of his lungs and I burst out laughing. "I'm gonna be a father!" He said really excited." I can't beleive it!" He said with a huge smile. He crouched down beside the girls stroller and kissed both of them on the head. "Your both gonna be big sisters, you should be going crazy right now." He said and the girls started giggling.

"I love you Brad." I said and he stood up and faced me again. "And I love you beca!" He screamed and picked me up again. This time he didn't put me down and he just kissed me. I out my legs around his waist and deepened the kiss. "Whoo! Go beca get some!" I turned my head and all the bellas were pretty much standing behind us with the trebles.

I guess when Brad was having his rampage of happiness they all went over there to the bellas or something.

Jesse was standing at the side with lisa and he looked more sadder then before. He started nodding his head a little and then looked away at the water. I love Brad but I love jesse too, I mean he'll always hold a special place in my heart but it sorta hurts to be pregnant with a child that isn't his.

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